Body Beast Review – Updated!!!!
With this month’s Challenge Pack deal being Body Beast with Shakeology for $140 (click that to check it out!), I thought we needed to revisit my Body Beast Review! I am so pumped to be writing this Body Beast Review! Over the past years I have become pretty well acquainted with Mr. Isreal, Sagi Kalev, and his amazing program Body Beast. This has been my GO TO program for almost 3 years now. Over the last year we have had huge success with our Year of the Beast Challenge Group. I love to lift, lift heavy, and Body Beast does not disappoint!
Body Beast Review — Becoming a Beast!
This Body Beast review is exactly what I want to be writing about because I have Beast on the Brain lately!! I’ve got the BEAST on my mind so much that nearly everything I say these days has a “Beast” or “Beastly” thrown in for good measure (“That was a Beastly dinner honey”, “Stop whining and Beast up kids!”, “Does this shirt make me look Beastly?”, etc.). Anyways, let’s get to my Body Beast review.
Body Beast Review – Workouts
As I begin my Body Beast review of the workouts, I have to say I couldn’t be happier or more pumped about them. They are straight to the point and all about lifting BIG to get BIG. The first thing I noticed was how brief the warm ups and cool downs are. Sagi gets right to business, spends only the time he needs and then we go straight to the weights. The routines are pretty complex. The varying set types could be hard to follow but the on screen cues and guides make it really easy. The workouts are fast too!My Body Beast Review grade of the workouts – A+!!
Right now Body Beast is only $39.90! It is the best deal (maybe besides Beachbody On Demand). If you don’t have Beast in your library, you need it!
They key to building hypertrophy NATURALLY is to increase your body’s own testosterone and stimulate muscle growth with quick, yet intense, types of targeted muscle building. Sagi has mastered that, as a long term advocate of natural bodybuilding.
Body Beast Review — Dynamic Set Training
Sagi has coined the term “Dynamic Set Training” for his technique, which uses multiple sets, progressive sets, drop sets, supersets, etc., in combination with each other, to pre-fatigue the muscles, and then hammer them into submission! There are some great big Giant sets where you hit three lifts, back to back to back. It is amazing how much time under tension your muscles experience. That is the key to growth, not just a large stimulus from a huge weight, but the cumulative time under tension.
Body Beast Review — The Pump
The pump you get from the workouts is second to none. You’ll be feeling Beastly after a single workout for sure. The workouts are a little shorter too (30-50 minute averages), mainly due to the abbreviated warm up and cool down. It is almost all lifting! The BUILD phase has multi-body part days (Chest/Tris day, Back/Bis day, and Shoulders Day), where as the BULK phase hits each muscle group individually (Chest day, Back day, Shoulders day, Arms day). The final BEAST phase is a combination of lift days and incorporates some cardio to help you lean out a bit.
Body Beast Review — The Nutrition Plan
“If you want to put it on, you’ve got to put it in! You can’t build muscle out of nothing” — Sagi K.
To be a Beast you need to eat like a Beast. The nutrition plan in the Book of Beast is very well done. It lays out clear calculations to find your caloric need for bulking. You reassess after the BUILD phase to meet the caloric needs of your new mass. At the end of the BULK phase you transition to a slight deficit (depending on your BF%) for the BEAST phase. This allows you to cut for the final 3-4 weeks to lean out and expose a little more of your Beastly gains.
Body Beast Review — Nutrition specifics
The macro-nutrient breakdowns for the BUILD and BULK phase are the same 25% protein, 50% carbs, and 25% fats. Your caloric need is figured off of your lean body mass (LBM), resting metabolic rate (RMR), daily activity, workout activity (calories to maintain weight) and a 20% surplus. For the final BEAST phase, you transition to a more standard 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fats. That is very pretty close to Fat Shredder.
If you are trying to lose weight and BF with Beast, you need to avoid the Book of Beast. It will set you up with a surplus plan for the Build and Bulk phase and will cause you to gain BF as well as the muscle you add. I would recommend setting up a deficit and Fat Shredder from DAY 1. I have a great plan just for that on Body Beast is for Losers!
There is a portion plan for Body Beast, much like P90X and X2. I will not be using that but will be tracking my diet through MyFitnessPal. And tomorrow, I will post my BEAST DIET (the way I will be eating during this round of Body Beast).
In this Body Beast Review, I want to stress that it is important to note the different categories of foods that you should try to get in a day. Even if you are tracking and not using a portion plan, making sure you get a variety of foods will give you the best results. I am of course still using my Shakeology to make sure I have all my vitamins and minerals covered. For a lot of guys and gals, you may need an extra shake and liquid calories to be able to hit your budgets. Don’t be afraid of this, just track everything!
My Body Beast Review grade of the nutrition plan – B+ (just cuz I like doing things “my way” LOL)!!
Body Beast Review — Supplements
This supplement portion of my Body Beast review could have easily gone in the Nutrition Plan section. The Beast’s Supplements in part help you hit your marks for the bulking diet. The Base Shake and the Fuel Shot are both to be used to help you hit your budgets for protein and carbs. MAX Creatine and Super Suma are both more along the lines of true supplements to your diet. Let’s look at all four.
- Body Beast Review – Base Shake – this is a all natural, flavorless whey protein. It is used in the Book of the Beast for post workout mainly, but you can add it to meals/shakes to increase your protein intake. It has 18g of protein per serving. I will use it for the purposes of giving a good Body Beast review, but I know I won’t use it long term since I’m not a hard gainer. If you are a hard gainer reading this Body Beast review, then this base shake might be perfect for you.
- Body Beast Review – Fuel Shot – this supplement is a carbohydrate blend. It mixes both dextrose and maltodextrin. Both of those are very simple carbs. They are high on the glycemic index and will spike your blood sugar. But isn’t that bad? No post workout! That is the perfect time. You just crushed your workouts and have used up a lot of your glycogen stores. It is time to replenish them. The release of insulin to blunt the rising blood sugar will pull more nutrients and amino acids (from the massive amounts of protein you’ve been eating) into your muscles. This will fuel protein synthesis and muscle growth/recovery. I am using this product for my Body Beast review, but afterward I may go back to the Results/Recovery formula.
- Body Beast Review – MAX Creatine – Plain and simple, you get high-grade pure creatine monohydrate—without fillers, preservatives, or untested ingredients. I’ve written a lot about creatine, so if you need a refresher (or some first time info) click HERE. I am using this for my Body Beast review as well, but will most likely go back to Kre-Alkalyn.
- Body Beast Review – Super Suma – Super Suma is made from suma root (“Brazilian ginseng”) and contains Beachbody’s exclusive plant-based enzyme system for enhanced benefits. Use daily to help amp up muscle strength, size, and endurance. The fact that Suma will trigger false positive results on steroid tests says a lot about how this product (which is totally natural, from the suma root plant) might be very effective. It’s not a steroid, but a plant sterol. However, our current steroid testing protocols are not advanced enough to differentiate between sterols and steroids. So if you are reading this Body Beast Review and you are an athlete or military person who might be tested for performance enhancing drugs, stay away from the suma. For the rest of us, I say BEAST UP!! LOL!
My Body Beast Review grade of the supplements – B (I like them, but I will most likely go back to Results / Recovery formula, Shakeology, whey protein, and creatine as my workhorses in my supplement cabinet. With the new Performance Line, I would now pick those first too).
So, as I conclude this Body Beast review, let me just say that if you’ve thought you are a hard gainer, or that it’s tough for you to put on the kind of mass you desire, here’s what Sagi says to you =
“You are NOT a hard gainer. You just haven’t done the right program … YET!”. — Sagi
What can a Body Beast review say that isn’t summed up in that sentence! Thanks Sagi!
I hope you found this Body Beast Review helpful. Now go Beast Up!
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