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Yesterday I shared my story and perspective on Beachbody coaching and why I decided to become a coach.  Today I want to talk numbers, money, and time.

**This article discloses Beachbody coach finanicial information which is public domain. I’m just saving y’all from digging around to find it**

This is a dangerous post because I don’t want any of you to EVER feel like your coach is pressuring you into coaching. I am not sharing this information about Beachbody coaching to try and convince anyone to coach if it’s not something you are passionate about. I am sharing it because I get a lot of questions from people about coaching, and they are afraid to ask the things that really matter, like how much money can they expect to make, and how much time does it take. So I’ll just be real honest and break open the official Beachbody financial info for you all to see.

As all of you know, I am an “official” beachbody coach. I signed up at the encouragement of my coach after I finished my 90 day P90X transformation. I had no intention of coaching when I started this whole journey, but he knew enough about my passion and dedication that he encouraged me to give it a try. I did, and I’ve never looked back. I have learned a lot since I started coaching 3 years ago, and I’d like to pass on some of that info to y’all, since many of you are wondering if beachbody coaching is legit, profitable, and something that would be a good fit for you. Let me just tell you that if you have a passion for the products, and a desire to help others achieve success with them, you can have a very successful coaching career. But if you don’t have the passion, coaching will be a frustrating thing for you.

Here’s some facts from the most recent (2012) Beachbody financial disclosures:

# of Beachbody Coaches = Roughly 120,000. There are a lot of folks who are beachbody coaches. Many sign up just to save money on their regular purchases (coaches save 25% on everything they buy for themselves). Others put in the time and effort to coach others and use it as a way to help others and create a business (either on the side or full time).

% of Beachbody coaches who recieve commission checks = Roughly 30%. In other words, about 70% of all coaches are doing it for the product discount only (they have a coach account but they don’t actually coach anyone).  30% have made it into a business and are getting paid to help others.

% of Beachbody coaches who are ranked Emerald = Roughly 20%. To become Emerald, you have to be actively coaching, and you also have to sign up 2 coaches under you. So as you can see, of the 30% of coaches who actually coach others, 2/3 of them are ranked Emerald.  Is it hard to become Emerald? NO! I made it to Emerald within 2 months when I became a Beachbody coach.  Do I feel like I had to go out and hard-sell people on signing up as coaches? NO! I just did what I was focused on, which is providing motivation, encouragement, and advice to my team members, and my passion translated into their passion and they approached me about coaching. I have put in a lot of work building the foundation for success, but it’s not rocket science! LOL! My goal is for everyone of my coaches is that they get to Emerald quickly (because at the Emerald level, coaches are eligible for team bonuses and the income starts to pick up significantly, which is a real encouragement and motivator to keep pushing ahead and giving it your best effort.) Training my coaches to duplicate my success is a priority to me, because I see no benefit in signing up coaches who are left to fend for themselves.  That’s why we have the training site that is specifically for our team of coaches.

% of Beachbody coaches who are ranked Diamond = Roughly 4%. Now we are getting into rare air! So it must be really hard to get to Diamond level, right? NO! It just requires time and effort (sound familiar!). To become a Diamond coach, you need to have 8 personally sponsored coaches, of which 2 have reached the level of Emerald. I became a Diamond coach after about 4 months as a Beachbody coach. Again, is it rocket science? No! I know what works and how to succeed, and my goal is to help every one of my coaches (who has the desire) to reach Diamond rank within their first year of coaching (hopefully sooner).

% of Beachbody coaches who are ranked Star Diamond = Roughly 2%. Hardly any!! But I am in this group.  I became a Star Diamond coach during my first year as a Beachbody Coach, and as of now I am a 7-Star Diamond. And if I can do it, why not you? What does this require? You have to be a Diamond coach yourself, and help at least one of your sponsored coaches achieve Diamond status as well. That’s not hard! It just takes persistence and effort (like everything worthwhile). And it builds on the beachbody philosophy that when we help others succeed, we succeed (the same philosophy that applies to coaching also applies to the workouts!)

So there it is. That’s how you start and move up as a Beachbody coach. Not too hard, right? And if you are busy having fun with it like me, it just happens naturally. Like I said, I’m not out trying to talk people into coaching with me, they just come to me when they see the passion I have for it and that the success is real! They have caught the passion too, and want to share it with others. They will be All-Star coaches!

*And now for what you are all really wanting to know, the MONEY! LOL!*

What about earnings. How much money, on average, do Emerald and Diamond coaches earn? Here’s the breakdown according to Beachbody’s 2012 financial statistics:

Emerald = Ave. yearly earnings: $3,353. High $261,621.

Diamond = Ave. yearly earnings $18,175. High $136,818.

Star Diamond = Ave. yearly earnings $90,746. High $1,645,484.

Not bad for a side job! I’ll take that any day!

Now where do I fit in these #’s? Well, without giving away all the particulars, let’s just say that I’m doing pretty well as a Star Diamond! (I don’t share this with you to brag, but to show you that if you will work at it like I have, and follow the roadmap, success will be the result). Coaching is so much like going through P90X or Insanity. If you will follow the plan laid out for you and stay committed to it, you can’t help but be successful! But if you don’t commit to it and let yourself make excuses, you’ll end up getting frustrated and quitting.

Also, keep in mind, this isn’t a “get rich quick” plan, just like P90X isn’t a “get fit quick” plan.  You have to work hard at it and keep showing up every day to work on it if you want to see results over time.  I made basically nothing my whole first month and a half. I was working hard but seeing little in the way of earnings. Remember, you start with ZERO customers and ZERO coaches! But I wasn’t discouraged because I knew that it takes time to build the foundation, and once I did, the payoff started coming! I knew I was part of a special team that was invested in my success, and I followed the plan they gave me. And once I proved myself by reaching Emerald status, Beachbody started sending more customers my way.  It really starts to snowball once you put in the work to reach Emerald status and build yourself a good foundation by helping others and sharing your passion!

So, if you sign up as a coach, am I guaranteeing that you’ll have the same success as me, as quickly as me? NO! I can’t guarantee that anymore than I can guarantee that you will have as good a physical transformation as me. I can put all the tools in your hands, but the desire and passion to make it happen have to come from you. Your results (both with your workouts and your coaching) may come faster or slower, but if you keep pressing toward the goal and ignoring the little voice that says “You can’t do it”, you WILL GET THERE!

And what about time? How much time does it take to be a Beachbody coach? Well, this is completely up to the coach. Some spend no time at all (they are in that 70% who use a coach account for the discount on what they buy). Others do coaching as a full-time job and put in full-time hours. It’s very flexible, so the amount of time you put in, and when you put in that time, are entirely up to you. As the business continues to grow, the time commitment will grow, but so will your compensation for your time!

One other word about coaching = DON’T do it if making money is your primary focus. Sure, Beachbody coaching is a great way to make money, but only when it comes as the result of helping people transform their lives. The only successful coaches I know are truly passionate about the programs and excited to help others get fit and healthy. If that’s not you, you won’t find coaching a fulfilling experience. But if you are fired up and excited about the change in your life, and ready to help others make the same change in theirs, you will absolutely LOVE coaching!

I hope this open and honest look into Beachbody coaching is helpful at answering your questions. I’m not trying to hide anything, so please feel free to ask me anything. I don’t want to push people into coaching if it’s not their thing, but if it IS something they want to do, I definitely want to help in any way I can. Coaching is not a gimmick. It’s not s a pyramid scheme. It’s a way for us — the walking / talking proof that Beachbody products are the real deal — to be compensated for driving business to Beachbody, which we are already doing every time we talk to someone about how we are getting in such good shape! It’s a no-brainer!

If you are considering coaching and want to talk with me more about the how-to’s of being very successful with it, e-mail me at and tell me you want to learn more about becoming a coach. I’d love to help you get started and put you into my very successful team of coaches where we can all benefit from each other’s passion and ambition!

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