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The second round of the Perfection Crew ran from September 14th to December 13th this fall. Check out my first post of results HERE!

If you haven’t heard about the Perfection Crew, it’s a highly focused and intense challenge group. You commit to 90 days of perfection. All your workouts, +/- 100 calories on your nutrition plan, and just bringing it. You have to log in your workouts and nutrition each and every day. Failure to do so and you are OUT!

We started this round with over 160 challengers… there were only 26 who made it all the way! Now some people had to bow out due to getting sick or injured. That happens and everyone understands. Others just didn’t fully commit and either stopped logging their Perfection Crew entries or just quit. This is not a group for the faint of heart!

I will start posting results over the next weeks and even month. So if you were one of the PERFECT 26 and you turned in your results, you will see them here. I just can’t post them all at once!

Congrats teamRIPPED Perfection Crew! You put in the work and earned your results!

Perfection Crew Results – Some BEASTLY Results!

**Just click the tabs to scroll through our first 4 challenger’s results!

Patrick L! Adds 13.4# like being a BOSS!

What program did you use? List them all if it was a hybrid.
Body Beast (with a few P90X and P90X3 workouts subbed in)
Starting and Final Weight?
Start of Perfection Crew 1: 165 and end Perfection Crew 2: 178.4
How many inches did you lose in all?
I gained approximately 15inches over the two perfection crews
Breifly describe your PC experience. What were you highs? Were there any lows over the 90 days?
My goal with this perfection crew was to build as much muscle as possible and increase the overall size of my body. This was my second perfection crew (I completed the previous one from March to June 2015), and following that, I had really built up my regimen to a point of consistency. One of the coolest parts of this perfection crew was the ease with which I was able to go about it. I’ve made ‘perfection’ normal: it’s just part of my schedule now. Now, I genuinely enjoy working out so much so that I use working out as a necessary study break in the middle of homework while at college. The only low was that, because I was eating at a surplus (4000 calories per day), sometimes I would get home after a long day and still have 1000 calories left to eat. But I made it happen.
Anything you are super proud of or want to share?
The single thing that I am most proud of is how I feel. I’m in the best shape I have ever been in in my life, and I feel fantastic. Another thing that has really validated the results Body Beast has gotten me is the response I’ve gotten from others. When I’ve run into old friends who I haven’t seen in 3-12 months, especially at the gym, the typical response I’ve gotten is something like “dude you’ve gotten huge” or “dude you look so much bigger”. And I don’t feel like saying that is bragging or not humble; it just sincerely makes me feel good because it’s the exact thing I’ve been working toward with my nutrition and exercise. And finally, I’m super proud of the strength I’ve gained. The Body Beast workouts incorporate the big 3 lifts (bench press, squat, and deadlift), and all of those lifts have improved so much for me. In just the 3 months of this perfection crew, my deadlift max increased from 310 to 370 pounds!

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Billy Joe drops 34#s!!!

What program did you use? List them all if it was a hybrid.
P90X Insanity Hybrid with 1on1s and P90X+
Starting and Final Weight?
Starting 241.8 lbs Ending 207.6 lbs
Body Fat Start and Finish?
Starting 42% Ending 25%
Briefly describe your PC experience. What were you highs? Were there any lows over the 90 days?
The Hardest part of the 90 Challenge was outside influences that I could not control. My infant child got sick with Strep throat and pink eye forcing me to take a couple days off from work to take care of him and throwing my schedule out of balance. But with the support of my wife and some 11:00 pm workouts I was able to stay on track. Other influences that tried to wreak havoc was family weddings or events where it was hard to know exactly what they were going to be serving for Dinner. But I lowered my calorie consumption during that day and made healthy dinner chooses at those meals. Sorry but no cake for me. The biggest high for me was the gains in energy that I had. I no longer wanted to just sit on the couch and be a lazy bum. I was getting more things done around the house and being more active when playing with my son. Getting in better shape helped me be a better husband and father. That’s the whole reason I stayed strong during this entire challenge.
Anything you are super proud of or want to share?
I am most proud of the support I got and continue to get from my wife in achieving my fitness goals. I am vain in that I want to have a ripped body and look good. But in the bigger picture that is just a byproduct of what my true goal is. I want to be a healthy husband and father that will be able to make enjoyable memories with my family. 90 days is just the tip of the iceberg, this is a lifelong endeavor to be the best that I can be. My high school Football coach made us do a chant after every practice and at that time I did not fully understand what it meant. But today I know that it was not referring to football but rather to life in general. Good, Better, Best, Never let it Rest until your Good is Better and you Better is Best.

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Sergey L Drops 15# and wants more!

What program did you use? List them all if it was a hybrid.
P90X/Insanity Hybrid
Starting and Final Weight?
start 221 ; end – 206
Body Fat Start and Finish?
start – 24, end – ~19
Briefly describe your PC experience. What were you highs? Were there any lows over the 90 days?
Before PC, I was never consistent with a nutrition tracker. I was mostly ‘intuitive’ eater. However, I realized that I was wrong – I eat too much. It was a great experience and I am really happy that I was able to stick all 90 days. I did all workouts, never skipped one. Overall, I’m satisfied with my results, but I know I can do better.

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Mary Ann brings it and breaks a plateau!

What program did you use? List them all if it was a hybrid.
Body Beast, Plyo, biking, hiking
Starting and Final Weight?
start 128 end 125
Body Fat Start and Finish?
start 26.2 end 22.3
How many inches did you lose in all?
Briefly describe your PC experience. What were you highs? Were there any lows over the 90 days?
Great experience. Got a chance to see why I get stuck in a plateau. I don’t eat enough, that has been my biggest struggle. Great to see the numbers where I’m lacking and where as far as macros. So I don’t have crazy noticeable results because I’ve been working hard for a while now but this really helped me move forward.

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Kimberly B. rocks her Hybrid!

Starting and Final Weight?
start 141.6, end 144.7
Body Fat Start and Finish?
start 12.5%, end 11%
Briefly describe your PC experience. What were you highs? Were there any lows over the 90 days?
I started the Fall Perfection crew at the encouragement of a girlfriend of mine – she and I had completed the Spring PC together also, but I hadn’t planned on doing it again. Honestly, it is great accountability for what I try to do anyways – which is staying on track with my workouts and nutrition. BUT PC helps me take the try out of the equation, and turns “try” into “do.”

My high of the this Fall PC was gaining two pounds of muscle during 21 Day Fix Extreme, that blew my mind. My low during the 90 days came when I shifted from the 1500 cal range to the 1800 cal range of the Fix nurtrition plan. Something about having one more green, yellow, red, and teaspoon made me feel like I was overindulging. I stayed on track “container wise” but felt like I was cheating because I was used to eating at the 1500 level. This was when I saw great gainz in muscle though, so it turned out to be exactly what my body needed.

Anything you are super proud of or want to share?
I am super proud of the fact that I have broken out of my “random hybrid” mindset. What do I mean by that? Well, my workout DVD library is impressive, and it causes me to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that but without really buckling down and focusing on one thing. I decided to get back to the magic of completing programs as written by Beachbody. Following their schedule takes the guess work out of what workout to do, and pairing it with Fix nutrition keeps that part simple too. I started PC on 9/14/15 and completed a round of Insanity: Asylum Volume 2. Then from 10/12/15 to 10/25/15 I followed the Foundation Phase X2 workout schedule in preparation for 21 Day Fix Extreme, which I started on 10/26. I had completed 21DFX before, but this round I focused on heavy weights and upped my calories. Wow! I loved my results. On 11/16 I started Insanity: Asylum Volume 1, which is what I just finished to wrap up the Perfection Crew. It feels great to have completed 3 different programs during this 90 day challenge! I gained 3 lbs during 90 days and went from 12.5% BF to 11%.

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