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The BEST transformations almost always take PERFECTION. 100% commitment to nutrition and exercise. Bringing it on BOTH fronts day and day out for 90 days (or more). Have you wanted to be featured as a teamRIPPED Hall of Fame transformation? Well, I think I have just the ticket! I’m bumping this to the TOP again to make sure you are all getting ready. We have about 50 people in the group already….

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The TR Fall 2015 Perfection Crew

Wow did our first round of the Perfection Crew blow up with great results! We (myself and David Jeffries) will be running it again. This time we take on the FALL! A time when people typically fall off of the wagon and lose momentum. But not us, not this year!

Still skeptical, check out the first Perfection Crew’s results HERE!

When is the Perfection Crew?

It will run September 14th, 2015 to December 13th, 2015. 90 days of perfection. Perfect time to get ripped for summer.

What do I have to do to stay in the Perfection Crew?

Do a 90 day Beachbody program or hybrid by the book (or any combo of 21, 60, etc day workouts, just a  full 90 is required).

Track your food to your goals (to within +/-100 calories of your goal). YOU HAVE TO TRACK! Some people somehow missed this last time. You have to be logging your food on MyFitnessPal or using the 21DF containers. No exceptions. If that’s not for you, this challenge is not for you. No hard feelings!

POST A GOOGLE FORM ENTRY each and every day with what you did (workout, rest day, etc) and your calories and macros in the Perfection Crew FB Group.

Be a member of teamRIPPED or have a coach that is a teamRIPPED Coach. EMAIL ME ( if you have any doubts. We are keeping this in the family.

What if I miss a Google form entry?

Just like our last PC group, you will be kicked out if you miss. This is about perfection. Plain and simple. Each day a new post will be made by ME and we will all comment below.

What do I get for completing the Perfection Crew?

The BEST results you can have in 90 days!!! This is exactly like I did in my first 180 days. No cheats, no missed workouts, and extreme results!

Second, I will get each PERFECT teamRIPPED Member a sweet Perfection Crew t-shirt as a gift for completing the 90 days and sharing with me your progress photos. I want to FLOOD teamRIPPED and the Beachbody world with more and more great teamRIPPED Transformations. The design is getting worked on right now!

Can I still be in other Challenge Groups?

YES! This group will mainly be to keep us all accountable. You won’t be able to make new posts even when you are in the TR Perfection Crew. Only admins will post each day’s accountability tracker. So you will still want to plug in with RIPPED 2015, YOTB, etc.

The TR Perfection Crew Recap

  • 90 days – 9/14 to 12/13
  • No missed workouts
  • Track your food each day (to within +/-100 calories of your goal)
  • POST IN OUR GOOGLE FORM each day telling what you did and your calories/macros
  • Get teamRIPPED HOF worthy results!

Beyond that, I’m not requiring anything. You show up, you do the work, be held accountable, and get ripped! Are you in? Are you ready to commit? The link is below… get in there.

Get in the Perfection Crew!

Need a coach?

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This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!

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IG: @wayne_wyatt

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