It is Friday teamRIPPED!
How is everyone doing? I hope you are doing great. I know I am! I have been loving this spring and it feels so good to be dialed in and moving towards summer. I like to focus on building some muscle over the winter but I get ready to shred some BF as soon as the weather turns nice.
What are you doing to use your fitness?
This is one thing I need to ask y’all more often. How are your using this new fitness? Being able to DO MORE is one of the biggest blessings I have experienced with losing weight and getting healthy. I am so excited that I get to play more with my kids, go on hikes and bike rides, and just keep up with our busy life.
One thing I have been able to do this spring is to teach my oldest daughter to throw the discus. I did a lot of throwing in high school and I have loved being able to pass that on. It’s great too that I am able to let the muscle memory take over and push it a little. I know that if I wasn’t in shape, working out I could easily injure myself. But not with what Beachbody has given me! My shoulders feel great and I still got a some of it :-)
Circa 1992 :)
I’d encourage you to read this post called DO MORE if you need a kick in the pants.
MAX 30 ON Sale for May
For May, the INSANITY MAX:30 and Shakeology Challenge Pack is on sale for $140! That’s like getting Max 30 for only $10! Just combine INSANITY MAX:30’s all out 30-minute workouts with Shakeology and get to your fitness goals even faster. You can even start streaming your INSANITY MAX:30 workouts, because your Challenge Pack includes 30 days of FREE access to Beachbody On Demand!
Get the MAX 30 CP while it’s on sale!
Coach Wayne on Snapchat?!
It’s true, I am trying it out! Are you on Sanpchat? Add me and follow my story for look at the everyday life of Coach Wayne LOL
Stick with those goals TR. They are worth the effort! And YOU are worth the effort!Keep inspiring others gang!
Coach Wayne Wyatt
Need a coach?
This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!My email:
IG: @wayne_wyatt