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Before you start plowing ahead with the nutrition guide, it’s important to understand how your nutrition plan will affect your results.  Are you wanting to gain muscle?  Lose weight?  Maintain weight but lose body fat?  Gain weight and muscle?  These are all very different objectives, and the great news is that you can do any or all of these with P90X if you customize your nutrition guide basics to meet your goals.

For instance, my main objective with my first round of P90X was to lose body fat.  I wanted to maintain my lean muscle mass but dump body fat as quickly as possible.  To do this, I followed the “Fat Shredder” portion of the nutrition guide (50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat), but I cut the calories significantly to help me drop weight (I stayed at /below 2,000 cals per day even though the guide suggested 3,000 cals).

Now, for round 2, I have changed my goals, and thus I have tweaked the nutrition to meet those goals.  I would like to maintain my weight in the 210 lb. range, but I’d like to see my body fat trim up slightly more and I’d like to see more definition / bulk in the shoulders and arms.  To do this, I’m eating 3,200 cals per day so far this round (1,200 more per day!), with a balance of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat.  After 2 months at this new calorie level, my weight is still under 210, so I’ve had no increase in weight despite the 50% increase in cals per day (thanks P90X for revving my metabolism into overdrive!!).  My strength continues to improve, and I’m not gaining any body fat, even though I feel like I get to pig out with 3,200 cals per day!  Haha. It’s great!

By following the nutrition guide for Round 1 and learning to fuel my body properly, with the right foods, at the right times of day, my metabolism has really jumped.  I feel primed to make some strength and definition gains by the end of round 2 that will fine tune the transformation I made in round 1.  I had a personal goal to get through the entire Upper Body Massacre Workout (from Tony Horton 1-on-1’s) and match Tony rep for rep by the time I get to Day 180.  Well, I met that challenge on Day 150, ahead of schedule!  Now I’ve got to set another goal to push for ….

Remember, nutrition is 80% of your results.  Don’t take it lightly.  Use the right nutrition and supplement plan to give you the results you want.

Bring it!

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