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As you have all noticed, I spent the past couple weeks doing a lot of updating to the website.  teamRIPPED has been exploding for the past 2 years, and as I’ve added things here and there to the website, it’s been hard for people to find the key things to help them get started, learn the most important aspects of nutrition, find downloadable worksheets, order the most popular products, etc.

I’ve got everything streamlined in the new menu buttons above, and I think you’ll agree that it makes navigating the site simple for both the newbie as well as the seasoned teamRIPPED veteran.

By the way, I’ve gone through every article and topic and completely updated the info in those sections to reflect what I believe is the best advice to help you maximize your results.  As I’ve tried different things, different supplements, different diets, etc. I’ve found the best of what works and doesn’t, so everything you read in all the FAQ’s, etc. will reflect my best current advice.

And then, just for fun, I added a brand new feature to the teamRIPPED website …. THE EXCUSE ZONE!!  :-)

I’ve written articles before in which I administer a bit of “tough love” for those who basically need a kick in the rear.  But I don’t like having to do it, and I’d much rather keep my articles focused on positive motivation, celebrating our Success Stories, sharing tips that make our results the best of any team in Beachbody, etc.

But it never fails that I get emails day after day from people who are basically lazy, spoiled, and don’t feel like putting in the work it takes to be successful.  Sure, they’ve seen my video and want to look like me.  But they don’t really want it bad enough to discipline themselves.  So they come to me with their list of excuses and complaints about how hard it is.

YES!!  It’s supposed to be HARD!!  If it was easy, everyone would be walking around RIPPED instead of obese and on all kinds of obesity-related medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

News flash — it’s a lot easier to plop in front of the TV and eat junk food than it is to discipline your body, push play every day, and resist your cravings.  How bad do you want it?  Don’t come to me complaining if you aren’t willing to put in the effort!

The hard road and the road to success are the SAME ROAD!  You don’t get success without taking the hard road.

But let me assure you, both the journey, and the destination, are well worth the trip!  I spent my entire adult life overweight, hooked on candy, pop, and fast food.  It was HARD to change a lifetime of bad habits.  I had to gut it out on sheer will power for most of that first 90 days.  But I wouldn’t quit.  I wouldn’t give in.  And guess what?  It worked!  And it got so much easier once I broke the habits.  I’ve now been in the best shape of my life for TWO YEARS now — no “yo-yo”ing and falling off the wagon.  This is the real deal!  But you have to be willing to stick with it long enough to change your habits.

And so from now on, when I get those emails from some guy who says it’s too hard to get up early and workout because he feels like falling back asleep, guess where I’m sending him?  That’s right — he gets a visit to the EXCUSE ZONE!!

And when I get the email from the guy who says he doesn’t have the time to eat healthy, or that his family still eats junkfood so he can’t possibly eat healthy with all the people around him doing their own thing, guess where I’m sending him?  ;-)

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