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I have been using pre-workout supplements since early in my P90X / Insanity fitness journey, and they make a huge difference in energy, pump, intensity, and endurance.  I’ve written about them before (N.O. Boosters).

I started using Jack3d, and liked it pretty well.  It took 3 scoops for me to feel anything, so I went through it pretty quickly.  I then tried N.O. Loaded, which I liked almost as much and only needed 1 scoop of it so it lasted longer.  After a while though, I started feeling a little nauseous with N.O. Loaded at times.

I’ve also tried straight Arginine (for the creatine off-cycle).  It was my least favorite (probably since it has zero creatine or caffeine in it), but it was better than nothing.

Now I’ve been using 1 MR and it’s been my favorite by far.  I reviewed it a few weeks ago (see 1 MR review).

But now I’ve been so fortunate to be given several pre-workout samples by one of our teamRIPPED members (thanks Anthony P — you da man!!).  It was like Christmas, getting a box full of pre-workout supplements from all the big brands to try for myself.

Now, after having the chance to use them and compare them to each other, I am going to report the results of my pre-workout round robin (which I’ve also been discussing on “The Forum”).

And the results:  (drumroll please) …..

1)  Jack3d: 6 out of 10.  It worked great, but required 3 scoops which makes it run out fast.  No crash.  No jitters.  No nausea.  Great pump.  Great energy.  But HORRIBLE taste!

2) N.O. Loaded: 6 out of 10. It worked very good, only required one scoop, and gave me very good energy.  It did cause nausea at times.  The taste was fair, although it clumped in water quite a bit.

3) Arginine: 3 out of 10. This is the pure amino acid that converts to nitric oxide (a vasodilator and the key component in the other pre-workouts).  It has no caffeine and no creatine, so it is at a disadvantage.  It is good for the creatine off-cycle, but not nearly as potent as the other pre-workouts.

4) 1 M R: 9 out of 10. This is a doozy!  Only one scoop, the best energy of the bunch, no crash, no jitters, no nausea.  Very good pump.  Mixes easy and the taste isn’t too bad.  This is tough to beat!  And while some of the others pack just as big of a punch (or in the case of Nano Vapor, a bigger punch), 1 MR has negligible calories and it goes a lot further at 1 scoop vs. 3 scoops of the others.

5) N.O. Shotgun: 7 out of 10. This one mixes well and tastes good.  It gives good energy, good pump, good focus, and no jitters or nausea.  It didn’t have quite the level of extra energy that 1 MR gave me.

6) N.O. Xplode: 5 out of 10. This one tastes okay (although it’s fizzy which is weird!).  It has no crash, no nausea, and no jitters.  But it just didn’t give me the boost of energy and endurance that I was expecting from this product.  I was disappointed in this one.

7) Quake: 8.5 out of 10. Quake looks absolutely disgusting!  It is a pukey brownish-green, and it’s all clumpy and gummy in it’s “powder” form.  But it actually mixes in water okay.  It tastes pretty bad (no surprise), but what is a surprise is that it really kicks in and gives me a GREAT workout with it!  I love the pump, the focus, and the energy.  This is a rock-solid, top of the line pre-workout!

8)  Dymatize Xpand: 7.5 out of 10. Expand tastes pretty good, gives very good energy and endurance, and has a pic of Brock Lesnar on the packet so that gets you mentally pumped right there!  I liked this one a lot, but it didn’t pack quite as much punch as the Quake, 1MR, or NanoVapor.

9) Muscletech Nano Vapor Hardcore: 9 out of 10.  Nano Vapor is INTENSE!!  It’s the only preworkout I’ve used where I actually feel the tingle that people talk about.  It gives an amazing pump, energy, and strength.  I like the effect of Nano Vapor MORE than 1 MR!  That’s saying a lot!  However, my only complaint is that it packs over 200 calories in a 3 scoop serving.  But man oh man, it works!  If it weren’t for the high calorie content, I’d like this one MORE than 1MR and give it a perfect 10!  And I should point out that you don’t have to use 3 scoops like I did, which will help save you the calories and cut the cost down as well.  But for me, I want to be at the 3 scoop level (thus making it more expensive per workout and over 200 calories per workout).  I seriously feel like I turn from Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk about 15 minutes after taking NanoVapor.  I’m hooked!

10) QNT Hydravol: 6 out of 10. Hydravol ……  Like the Nano Vapor, this one packs some calories (135 cals for a 3 scoop serving).  If you are only doing 1 scoop, it’s 45 cals, so not as huge of a factor, but at 3 scoops the calories (and the cost) add up.  It gives me good energy and a real good pump by the end of the workout, but it isn’t in the same league as NanoVapor, and since it’s packing calories, I won’t be using it again.  If I am going to use a Pre-workout with high calories, it will be Nano Vapor.

11) EAS Pro Science Push:  5 out of 10.  Push is another pre-workout that packs some calories (140).  This one doesn’t seem to do anything for me.  I don’t feel an increase in energy, endurance, or pump.  It’s just BLAH.  I’m not a big fan of this one!  And especially since it packs calories you’d think it would at least give me a boost from the sugar.  I won’t be using this one again.

(*Now keep in mind, these are my findings based on how my body responded to these pre-workouts.  Since each of us is different, you may find that some work differently / better for you.  But since not many of us can afford to try all of the pre-workouts out there, I hope you find this review helpful.)

So, now I’m conflicted!!!

I really like 1 MR.  Until this pre-workout experiment, it was the best thing I’ve ever used.  I liked it better than Jack3d, which was my old favorite.  And 1 MR is a great product at a great price since the serving size is 1 scoop.  Plus, it has negligible calories.  It’s a winning combination.

But I am so obsessed with the jolt that Nano Vapor gave me that I just can’t resist!  It gives me the tingle and warm rush that I’ve never felt before.  It gives me crazy energy, crazy strength, and it makes me feel like I can lift a house!  The only drawbacks are that at 3 scoops per workout, it’s expensive, and it packs over 200 calories in those 3 scoops.

Hmmmmm….. what to do …. what to do????

So …. I’ve decided that I will use both 1 MR and Nano Vapor.  I am going to use 1 MR on my cardio days since it will save me the calories, and since I love the endurance I get from it.  And since I turn into the incredible hulk on Nano Vapor, I will use it on my 3 lift days each week. 

This way I’m only getting those extra calories 3 times per week, and it will help average out the expense.  But my lift days will still be in the stratosphere!!

Bring it!!!


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