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Without fail, you will start your new workout program and something will happen in your life. You’ll be 2 weeks into Body Shop and realize, your wife is gone for the next 3 days and you have to take the kids to school. Normally that is your time to workout. What should you do? You know you will be crazy busy, you want to workout, but can you fit it in? It’s only a couple days… you can make them up, right?


Having your wife or husband go on a trip is normal life. Having a kid get sick is pretty normal. Having your car break down, that is normal. I am here to let you know, y’all get no sympathy from me! Don’t skip your workout, find a way to make it happen!

I know I just made a hard line in the sand on this one, but let me tell you why. I’m not some workout nazi, I just have seen the downside to missing workouts too many times.

First program – NEVER MISS A WORKOUT

That’s right, make it your goal to do every workout on the day it is planned. Why, cuz if you are like how I was, you are overweight cuz you have no discipline. YOU NEED ROUTINE! You aren’t going to fall in love with working out over night. You will have temptations to sleep in, “reasons” (**cough** excuses) to miss or postpone a workout. You will be sore.

BUT YOU NEED TO GET SOME DISCIPLINE IN YOUR LIFE! If I had been more disciplined with my health, I wouldn’t have eaten like I did for years and years. I wouldn’t have been lazy letting my weight get out of hand. I needed the routine and discipline of P90X to help me change my habits and lifestyle.

So find a way to get your workouts in. Do them at lunch if you need to. Push play after dinner if that is the only open time. But don’t compromise and give in to the temptation of a “busy life” or “crazy day.” (**cough** excuses)

Mental Wars and Winning Them

This is part two, I don’t want you to miss a workout cuz in almost all cases people on teamRIPPED share with me, they are losing a mental battle when they give in and skip cuz something out of the ordinary happened in their life. This part goes for anyone and any program. Heck if it’s your 15th round of P90X, I see the same things.

It’s a little victory you give to your old life when you let something derail you and you don’t fight back. If mom being gone, and taking the kids to school means you can’t workout at your normal time… FIND A NEW ONE! Get up earlier and knock it out. Do it after they go to bed. But win this. Don’t let yourself go down without a fight!

When you fight and you find a way to overcome your scheduling obstacles, you win these battles. Even when you fight and fight and only can get in a quick T25 workout instead of your 60 minute P90X2 plan, you are still winning these battles. Those victories add up and you become one tough warrior! You are showing yourself (and those people around you) that you are a disciplined person and this is real. The belief grows inside and that is powerful!

Is it ever ok to compromise and miss workouts?

Maybe… but honestly, most people are really good at making up excuses and rationalizing them. I don’t want to give you free reign to flake out. People come up with crazy justifications that sound really pure and good. Be careful of those. I would always err on the side of finding a way to fit in a workout to maintain my momentum than skipping.

But I’m not heartless LOL there will be big things in life that pull you away. You know in your heart if you are making an excuse to skip. If you have to miss to be a good husband, wife, father, mother, friend, etc. do it. Just get right back at it.

Building back momentum once you’ve lost it is 1000x harder than maintaining it in the first place.

Coach Wayne

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