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If you are a rational person, please read no further!  For those of you who are completely INSANE, welcome!  This is right up your alley!  And if you are already in good shape, have been doing P90X for a while, and are ready to put on some serious muscle mass and density, read on!

The “Mikey Muscle Stack” workout is named after one of our own teamRIPPED members, Mike B., who happens to be a former gym owner, powerlifter, bodyguard … you name it, he’s been it!

And he started a phenomenon on our teamRIPPED challenge with a few other crazy beasts who wanted to really bulk up.  The result — “THE MIKEY MUSCLE STACK”.  It is based on a typical P90X lift schedule (AM) with an extra workout 8-12 hours later to blast the same muscles you already destroyed earlier that day!  It leads to huge gains, but must be done properly to avoid injury or overtraining.  Consult your doctor, etc.  before attempting this!  (In other words, don’t come blaming me if you hurt yourself! I WARNED YOU!!!)

(*The Mikey Muscle Stack is also permanently linked under Coach W’s Tips, so in the future you can always find it there, even after this post gets old.)

The schedule:

You can implement the Mikey Muscle Stack no matter what version of P90X or hybrid you are doing.  The key is that out of all 13 weeks of the program, you will only be doing the STACK on weeks 5 & 6, then on weeks 9 & 10.  That’s all.  Your body will wear down if you attempt to do it anymore than this.

On the first stack weeks (5 & 6), you will do extra work on the muscle groups you worked earlier that day, using 3 sets of 3 exercises per muscle group.  For instance, on Chest/Back day, that evening you will do 3 different back exercises (3 sets each), and 3 different chest exercises (3 sets each), for a total of 18 sets.  The focus of this first round of the stack is SLOW REPS (for each set, concentrate on doing about 4-6 reps at a slow tempo — think 7-count per rep).

On the second stack weeks (9 & 10), you will do higher reps (8-12) with heavier weight, at a normal tempo (not the 7-count tempo from the first round).

The type of exercises you choose for your STACK routine depends on what you have access to.  It can be simple, like pullups, pushups, dumbells, etc.  Or if you have access to additional equipment, you can add variety with lat pulldowns, barbell work, bench press, etc.

*All exercises should be performed with only a 1 minute break between sets (don’t go out and get a cheesburger, a pastrami sandwich, or a Coke between sets! LOL!).  Keep the burn going!

My YouTube Demo of The Mikey Muscle Stack Mass Building Technique:

Below I will list some options you can choose from for each body part you wish to work in your Mikey Muscle Stack!  Please feel free to offer additional suggestions in the comments section!


Lying Dumbbell Press, Lying Dumbbell Flys, Decline Pushups, Weighted Wide Pushups, Bench Press


Wide Pullups, Narrow Pullups, Dumbbell Back Flys, Seated Rows


Alternating Dumbbell Press, Deep Arnold Press, Military Press, Pike Press, Lateral Shoulder Raise, Front Shoulder Raise, Rear Shoulder Raise


Seated Curls, Barbell Curls, Preacher Curls, Reverse Grip Curls


Alternating Tricep Kickback, Tricep Cable Pushdowns, Lying Tricep Extension, Side Tri Rise


Forearm Curls, Reverse Forearm Curls, Forearm Sandwich, Off-The-Butt Forearm


Leg Press, Squats, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, Calf Raises, Lunges

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