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If you’ve watched any of the P90X DVD’s, you notice that the cast demonstrates each exercise at different levels of intensity.  One is doing the all-out exercise, one has a slight modification, and one is doing a beginner move.  Tony says “Modify, modify, modify!”  This is absolutely true!!

Part of what makes P90X so much better than a gym is that in the privacy of your own home, you can modify the exercises without worrying about what others think of you.  You can do some very goofy-looking things (which are fantastic for your body!!) with no inhibitions! 

Let me tell you the things I modified during Round 1 (lest you think I’m some sort of workout stud and that all this stuff comes easy for me! LOL!):

1) One-handed pushups = I NEVER did an actual rep of this during all of round 1!  I did them on my knees, always.  For round 2 I started trying to do them the Tony Horton way, and I can now do 12-15.  I never could have done that if I hadn’t done them modified for the first 3 months.  Modify!

2) Pullups = I used a step stool for every rep during the first month.  Then I was able to start doing them unassisted during the second month.  Now I can do them with a weighted backpack.  Again, it’s because I modified.  I also don’t go all the way down into a full hang because I have an old shoulder injury from football, and if I extend all the way down into a hang the shoulder pops and gets very sore.  So I just stop a couple inches short.  Modify!

3) Crouching Cohen Curls = I hate these!  My adjustable dumbells are so wide that I can’t hold them between my knees without them hitting each other and messing up my form.  I do one arm at a time.  Modify!

4) Ab Ripper X = There was no way I could get through all of those exercises and keep up with Tony for at least the whole first month.  I modified!  I started off doing 17 reps in the time that Tony did 25, and each week I tried to get 1-2 more reps on each exercise.  By half way through month 2, I was keeping up rep for rep on all 25.  For Round 3, I’ve upped it to Killer Abs (from 1-on-1’s, which is both Ab Ripper plus Ab Ripper X back to back).  Again, I improved because I modified and kept improving.

Don’t be afraid to modify gang!  It’s not about ego.  It’s about doing our best and forgetting the rest.  Doing 15 modified reps is much more beneficial than 2 regular reps.  Get the most out of your muscles, but don’t expect to be Tony Horton right away.  Over time you will see improvement in your strength, your reps, and your form. 

One of y’all said it best in an email to me (this is someone who was describing his first 2 days of P90x):

“It’s no wonder why you don’t see more Zero-to-Hero transformations in the gym.  People are too afraid of ridicule and judgement to do what it takes to get it done.” (shout out to Scott E for the great quote!)

Keep Bringing it!!

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