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If you done any Beachbody workout, you know that they all do an excellent job giving you examples of modifications you might need to make. Some modifications are for differences in available equipment, others are for differences in current ability. Whatever you do, don’t let not having “it” (whatever “it” is for you) stop you. “Modify, modify, modify!!!”


Sure it would be great to have unlimited resources and every piece of equipment you could imagine. You could turn your workout room into a fitness dreamland! But we know that’s not reality. If you can’t afford dumbbells, get a set of bands and learn to use them effectively. If your house and doorways are looking a little iffy for your pull up bar, you can again use bands and a door hinge attachment. P90X2 has a lot of medicine balls. If those aren’t in the budget, you can pick up some rubber basketballs at Walmart for about $4 a piece! What about Body Beast? Some people have been saying it is really equipment heavy (I would disagree, but that is for another time). The great thing about Body Beast’s equipment is that there is a lot of used weight lifting equipment for sale all the time! Check eBay or Craigslist and be patient for a great deal! You can also complete the entire program with your P90X equipment (you’ll see how to modify). You’d be silly to let any of these “problems” stand in your way.


P90X, Insanity Max 30, Body Beast are all tough! It is serious business, but you can do it! With some modifications, you will be dropping the fat and on your way to getting super ripped!

PAUSE BUTTON – You are working out at your house right? Who cares if you need to pause the DVD to catch your breath! Don’t let your ego get in the way …regroup and get back after it. You’ve committed to the program, pausing isn’t cheating and shows that you are willing to do what it takes.

Push Ups – The most obvious modification is for you to go from your knees. You will take a lot of the weight off of the move and be able to build the strength to do unassisted push ups. This is even a great tip if you are trying to increase your max reps with push ups. Knock out your normal set when you can’t do anymore, drop to your knees. Then finish from your knees. You’ve just overloaded your pecs and triceps even more, past where you’d normally not be able to do anymore.

Pull Ups – I get questions about pull ups a lot! Pull ups are hard, especially if you have long arms like me and started out big like me. Use a step stool or Chin Up Max assist. Again, like push ups from your knees, force yourself to do them assisted. This will build the strength to do them unassisted. Then in time, you’ll add some unassisted reps before you assisted reps.

I couldn’t have said it better myself ;)

Weighted Moves – This might seem like a given, but picking the right weight is a modification too. If your form starts going south, drop the weight! Finish the moves and the reps your were targeting, but do the movement without weight or a lighter weight. Then write it down and don’t get caught next time!

Ab Ripper X – There was no way I could get through all of those exercises and keep up with Tony for at least the whole first month. I modified! I started off doing 17 reps in the time that Tony did 25, and each week I tried to get 1-2 more reps on each exercise. By half way through month 2, I was keeping up rep for rep on all 25. For Round 3, I upped it to Killer Abs (from 1-on-1′s, which is both Ab Ripper plus Ab Ripper X back to back). Again, I improved because I modified and kept moving forward.

Don’t be afraid to modify gang!  It’s not about ego.  It’s about doing our best and forgetting the rest.  Doing 15 modified reps is much more beneficial than 2 regular reps. Get the most out of your muscles, but don’t expect to be Tony Horton or Sagi right away.  Over time, you will see improvement in your strength, your reps, and your form.

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