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Lifting gloves may be a piece of equipment you have overlooked, but they are worth a second look.As you can see in this random Instagram pic I posted, I like wearing gloves — especially on pullup days!

Lifting gloves can be relatively inexpensive and offer you a lot of protection. If you are going to lifting heavy and lift hard, lifting gloves should definitely be considered. There are lots of brands and styles, so be prepared to weigh out a few options.

Sizing your Lifting Gloves

I strongly recommend going to a sporting goods store that carries lifting gloves and try them on! Not only will it save you the head ache of ordering the wrong size, returning them, and reordering; it will also save you from purchasing a glove that does work well with your hands. The angles of seems, placement of padding, and even the Velcro closure are all things that affect the fit and feel of a glove. Make sure the gloves are tight enough. If a glove is too loose, it will still move on you and that can cause friction and rubbing (something that gloves should protect you from). Actually going into the store is the best way to make sure everything is perfect. Most lifting gloves are by the dumbbells, so grab a dumbbell and see how it feels. Do some presses and curls and make sure that they fit correctly.

Styles of Lifting Gloves

Almost all lifting gloves are finger-less, although you can find a few full finger models. The first thing to consider is what material you want for your gloves. There are tons of synthetic option and then the classic leather options. It’s your preference.

Then take a look at the padding placement and style. Some gloves are really padded. That may seem like a good idea, but excess padding does something you might not like — it adds “thickness” to the bar. If your gloves have a lot of padding it will cause the handle of your dumbbells to feel thicker. You are now grabbing the bar and the added diameter of the gloves. This is good for grip strength, but don’t be surprised if your grip strength fails a bit earlier and your forearms are shot after a workout. Again, try the lifting gloves out on the store’s dumbbells and see what you think.

Another point to consider is the wrist closure of your lifting glove. You can get shorter gloves that have just an elastic slip on closure. Those are the simplest and often the cheapest. The other option is still a short lifting glove but with a Velcro closure, there are a little more secure.

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Finally there are the wrist wrap combo options. These are lifting gloves that incorporate a wrist wrap in their design. Wrist wraps stabilize your wrist. They are great for push ups on Powerstands or any pressing movement. If you have wrist issues, you should look at wraps anyway. My preference is a lifting glove with a short wrist wrap.

lifting gloves P90X Body Beast
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Make your choice of lifting gloves!

So great a grip! Lifting gloves really help you get a firm grip on your weights or pull up bar. They also help protect your hands. If you’ve lifted for a while without gloves you know how quickly calluses can form. Gloves will keep your palms soft and help prevent any blisters or calluses. As the dumbbells get heavier and heavier, like most of you are finding out with Body Beast, gloves are even more important. Head out to the store and check some out.

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