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How many of us would say to a recovering alcoholic, “Oh come on, a couple beers won’t hurt you.  Drink up!”  Hopefully none of us!  We understand that what that person needs is encouragement, not temptation.  In fact, we’d probably go out of our way to not drink in front of them. But what about those with a food addiction?  I definitely believe that I had one prior to the lifestyle change I made with P90X, Shakeology, and nutrition in 2010.  From Psychology Today:

Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (gambling) that can be pleasurable but the continued use of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work or relationships, or health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.

We tend to downplay food addiction, but can you see it? Someone  LOVEs food! Eat a lot. So much that they don’t care what that food is doing to their body and health. Some addictions may be stronger than other (ex. uncontrolled eating to sneaking out in the middle of the night for fast food), but we must no write it off. If you can’t control yourself around food, be honest with yourself. Eating and eating a lot is more socially acceptable than drinking a lot, but both can get out of control and really hurt you.

Old Temptations

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I have been “sober” of my food addiction for over 6 years now (since starting P90X), but I can only imagine how fast I could fall off the wagon if I gave into the temptations of my old favorites — Skittles, Chips and Queso, Hershey’s, Red Vines, Chocolate Cake with Chocolate icing.  Whew!

Yet, what happens every time I’m at a family gathering with the extended family?  Are they conscientious of my history with food addiction?  Heck no! (They are getting better…)

“Come on Wayne, a piece of cake won’t hurt you!”.  It seemed so awful to think of saying that to an alcoholic, but it is so normal to say that to a food addict.  How ironic!  Not only do we have to battle our own temptations, but the peer pressure of others who accuse us of going overboard, being too rigid, and being too extreme.

Why is that?  I contend that at some level, the people telling us those things feel self-conscious about their own eating choices, and for them to give in to those temptations while we stand strong convicts them.  Some want to bring us down with them so that they don’t have to feel guilty.

It’s a shame, but it’s something we need to be ready for.

So be it!

Support for a Food Addiction

Just like other addictions, having a group of like-minded people to support you is HUGE in overcoming your food addiction. This is where a coach and support from a challenge group. These are people that have dealt with similar struggles. They won’t be quick to write off your struggles. No, they want you to succeed! I want you to succeed!

We can overcome it!  We are STRONG!!  We are teamRIPPED!

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