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Goals are really important to have. Forward vision is also really important. But don’t set your eyes too far off in the distance when you think about your fitness. When we focus too far ahead, we tend to lose sight of the things right in front of us. Those things that matter right here, right now!

Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself: Starting Out

When you are just getting started with your Beachbody program, your big picture goal should be completing that program. No more, no less. You might have other goals in the back of your head, but your main goal is to stay 100% committed to your first round.

I can see people are missing this when I get emails like, “Coach how does this plan sound? I’m going to do P90X, then X2, then the Asylum Vol 1 and 2, and finally Body Beast. Do you think that that’s a good plan?

There is nothing wrong with those programs or completing them in that order. My issue is that a person asking that question is often not focused on the here and now. They’re wasting energy that could be directed at getting the absolute most out of P90X.

Now don’t get me wrong. You can have ideas about what you want to do for your 2nd round or what program you might want to try later in the year. Just don’t lose sight of what you’re doing right now. There is PLENTY to work on right now even if we only focus on 2 Goals.

Look at 2 GOALS you can have RIGHT NOW

If you are in your first program or 20th, there are a lot of ongoing goals to focus on to get the most out of your workouts.

1.) Nutrition

This should be everyone’s main focus outside of the workouts. I know I sound like a broken record but nutrition is the key!

If you just starting out, this is where you put in the work. Dial in your nutrition. Get your tracking and planning down for your calorie goal and Fat Shredder. Get used to packing all your own food. Get over having to tell people that you are working at some really specific goals. The more work you can put into your nutrition, the more it will pay off. Also, this work with your nutrition helps rebuild your habits and gets you headed towards a lifestyle change. Those changes are LASTING!

Goal #1: Hit my nutrition plan perfectly today.

That will lead into hitting for a week, month, and entire program. But focus on what you can do TODAY to meet that goal. 

2.) Workouts

Going from no activity to regular exercise can be a shock for some people. It might take reworking your schedule to make time for your workouts. Give priority to your workouts and don’t skip workouts. You again are building up good habits. You can’t go into this thinking about skipping workouts when things get tough or your schedule gets tight. MAKE TIME! This week’s poll is about time wasters… where do you fall? Simply cutting out TV can save tons of time for many people. Maybe you waste a lot of time with video games. PUT THEM DOWN!!! Take that time that really isn’t giving you any benefit and invest it in something you will get a return from.

Within your workouts, your goals should be to meet or best your last performance. You don’t have to beat every exercise but you should be looking to add a few reps here, more weight there, and take fewer breaks. You want to look for progress.

Goal #2: Did I BRING IT in my workout today?

Again, this will add up, but take it one day at a time. Did you do your workout today? Did you do your best (while forgetting the rest)?

Results Guaranteed!

If you focus on those 2 goals (nailing your nutrition everyday and bringing it in your workouts every day), you are guaranteed results! There is no way you won’t change. Each of those days of hard work will add up in 2 weeks of hard work, those weeks will turn into months, and those months will turn into your first completed program! No one can tell you exactly where you will be in 90 days of P90X, Insanity, or Body Beast… but if you accomplish those 2 goals each and every day, you will leaps and bounds above where you started!

After 90 days, you’ll have some great new habits too and be able to set more specific goals (as these initial goals will be more like habits and a lifestyle).

So don’t get lost looking too far out into the future and miss the opportunities you control right here, right now. Make today perfect for today! Then do it again tomorrow :-)

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