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Creed of the teamRIPPED Nation

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We the People of the teamRIPPED Nation, in order to form a more healthy and fit Union, establish COMMITMENT, insure ACCOUNTABILITY, and provide for the common ENCOURAGEMENT, do ordain and establish this Creed of the teamRIPPED Nation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created to be RIPPED BEASTS!!  Likewise, all women are created to be lean, toned beauties.  We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the right to workout, fuel our bodies optimally, and look phenomenal in our birthday suits :-)

We have a right … no …. a RESPONSIBILITY – to bear arms.  We will proudly display our cannons for all to see.  The teamRIPPED GUN SHOW!

Four score and seven years ago Tony Horton brought forth into our living rooms a new workout, conceived in muscle confusion, and dedicated to the proposition that anyone who commits to pushing play every day will get in the best shape of their life.  Now we are engaged in a great mental war, testing whether the teamRIPPED nation can endure when the going gets tough.

We must not ask what the teamRIPPED nation can do for us, but what we can do for the teamRIPPED nation.

We will not back down.  We will not be afraid.  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

When we face a plateau or hit the wall, we will shout at the top of our lungs, “Tear down this wall!”

We are the teamRIPPED nation!


If you are ready to join the teamRIPPED nation and get Hall of Fame results to show the world,  then repeat this pledge:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the teamRIPPED Nation, and to the X-treme Results for which it stands, one team under God, indivisible, with Shakeology and Energize for all!”

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This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!

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IG: @wayne_wyatt

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