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Happy Valentine’s Day teamRIPPED!!

How is everyone?  I hope everyone plans on having a great Valentine’s Day, that does NOT include eating a bunch of fattening little filled chocolates :-).

I’m hitting my stride in the Strength Phase of P90X2, and it’s AWESOME!  I remember when I first sampled these workouts, I thought some of these exercises were not very productive because, for instance, I was expected to do curls while standing on one leg.  I couldn’t do nearly as much weight while standing on one leg because of the balance component and it frustrated me.  Well, after a month in Foundation, where I had to do curls on one leg, in a half-squatting position, it literally seemed EASY to do curls while standing straight up on one leg last week during Shoulders and Arms.  I was doing the same weight as I used just last month in the original P90X Shoulders and Arms standing on 2 feet.  My balance and ability to channel my strength while controlling my body has really shocked me.  This program is amazing.

And just to compare P90X Chest and Back to P90X2 Chest Back and Balance = consider that in the X version, you have 6 sets of pullups along with some “freebies” like heavy pants, lawnmowers, and back flys.  With X2, there are 10 back exercises in the workout — every one of them on the pullup bar, and every pullup move is more difficult and advanced than what you might be used to from P90X.  These strength workouts are nuts!  The X2 Base and Back alternates between pullups and plyometric jumping — talk about a crushing workout!  I wanted to hit the pause button to catch my breath SO BAD, but I knew ahead of time that I would be tempted so I wrote “No Pauses” on my workout sheet and every time I thought about pushing pause I said, “No I can’t.  I already committed to no pauses.  Get your hands off your knees, get up on that pullup bar and go!”.  I was complete jello at the end of that one.  I can’t wait to get to day 90 and let everyone see the results of my hard work!  You won’t be disappointed!

As you know, the links to order the new Tropical Shakeology went live yesterday.  If you missed the details on Tropical Shakeology, be sure you read that article HERE.  It has the order links at the top.  AFTER I get the several boxes of individual packets that I ordered, I will add a “Tropical” option to the Shakeology request form.  I’m learning which of you don’t bother reading my posts by who has already submitted sample requests for chocolate but in the memo field saying they want Tropical.  LOL!  Busted!  Read the bold highlighted print in yesterday’s post on Tropical Shakeology!

I want to give a special shout out to our own teamRIPPED stud, Roger, who did such an awesome job with Insanity that he got a starring role in the brand new Insanity infomercial!  Way to go Roger!!!  You look awesome!

Do some of y’all feel left out as you see the great results of our Misfits?  Do you wish you had been part of that magic?  There is much rumbling going on in the teamRIPPED Misfits group about our next challenge!  Many Misfits are calling for a Misfit vs. Misfit challenge, in which smaller subgroups within the larger Misfit umbrella will go at it in an all out, Winner-take-all challenge, which will probably start shortly after our P90X2 Challenge ends in April.  If you are in the middle or toward the end of a round right now, consider getting a piece of this action by going to the Misfit Facebook page and stating your interest.  Many leaders have already stepped up and volunteered to lead the teams.  Click here to join the Misfit FB group if interested!

And 2 favors that I ask:

1) If you like the hard work I put into writing my articles and videos, PLEASE help me out by sharing them.  Click the share links below them and share them on FB, twitter, etc.  It really helps me get more exposure and grow teamRIPPED!

2) Also, as always, remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as you buy them through my site,, or by logging in to to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain beachbody site I get no credit). It helps with the amount of time I spend answering all your questions and helping you out. Thank you! I really appreciate it!

Keep bringing it and inspiring others to do the same gang!!

Wayne Wyatt

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