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Just a heads up that Beachbody has started a new policy of including a BONUS DVD workout with all of their most popular workout programs for customers who buy through their coach.  (Thanks Beachbody for looking out for us coaches and giving incentive for people to go through us!)

The first BONUS DVD is for anyone who buys INSANITY through their coach (for most of you reading this, that would be ME!!)  The bonus workout is called Insanity: Fast and Furious, and it is a condensed workout (20 minutes) that has no rest breaks and pushes you to the max for all 20 minutes.  This is a great way to get a full Insanity workout when you are short on time.

****UPDATED 8/19/2010***** Beachbody just released the next BONUS DVD offer.  The Insanity offer is still going, but in addition, anyone who buys P90X through their coach gets 2 free DVD’s from Tony Horton 1-on-1’s (a $40 value).  The 2 free DVD’s are Fountain of Youth Yoga (a nice — shorter — alternative to Yoga X), and Mammoth UML (Upper / Middle / Lower), a full-body 1-on-1 workout.

Why does Beachbody want to offer these Bonus DVD’s?? It’s part of their WIN/WIN philosophy.  They don’t just want to sell products … they want us to become products of the system.  They know that people who have a coach are MUCH MORE LIKELY TO REACH THEIR GOALS than those who go at it alone.  As we succeed in our transformations, we become walking, talking advertisements for Beachbody.  As we succeed as coaches, we inspire others to get into coaching as well.  Beachbody does a great job of succeeding by ensuring that all of us succeed!

Stay tuned for more BONUS DVD’s!  New ones will be announced each month, and will only be available through your coach.  So if you don’t have a coach yet, get one!  It doesn’t cost you a dime, and can really help you succeed with your transformation.  Click here to make me your coach.

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