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*Quick heads up before I begin today’s article.  The Bowflex Selecttech dumbbells are on sale again!  $279 for a set of 552’s with the stand included and free shipping.  Just put in code “SPRING552” at checkout and the stand will be added and the discount applied.  They usually only stay on sale for a few days so if you want them act now!  I get no kickback or anything … just passing along a good deal!  Click here to go to their site = BOWFLEX 552 DUMBBELLS

And now on to the topic I wanted to discuss today …..

There are things that are beyond our control.  No doubt about that.  Tornadoes, for instance, don’t kindly take a left turn if we ask them to.  We have to accept the things we can’t control.

However, there are a lot of things we CAN control, and far too often I see people adopt a victim mentality and act like they are doomed to be overweight, unhealthy, and unfit because they THINK they have no control over their circumstances.  Most of the time, they DO.  The question is, will they step up and take responsibility?

For instance, do you ever hear yourself say these things (either out loud or to yourself) =

I can’t eat healthy because my wife / husband / boyfriend / girlfriend won’t do it with me.

I can’t eat healthy because I’m a student and am forced to eat what my mom cooks.

I can’t eat healthy because I can’t afford it.

I can’t eat healthy because I am too busy.

I can’t eat healthy because I travel and eat out all the time.

I can’t workout because I have too much work / homework / chores / parental obligations / etc.

You get the picture.  The list is ENORMOUS.  And I hear it every day.  People don’t mean to “play the victim card”, but it’s often much easier to blame someone else rather than own our decisions.

So you work long hours and don’t feel like working out at night after a long day?  Neither would I!  Get up early and make it a priority. I’ve seen it time and time again that people who will prioritize their workouts first thing in the morning, even if it means getting up before 4am to fit it in, will stick with it and make a lifetime change.  Sure, waking up at 4 may sound crazy if you stay up till 11.  How about you start doing it for a few days and you’ll naturally start going to be earlier to make up for it.

So you live at home and mom makes casseroles every night.  Eat the veggies and then go chug some protein powder.  Then look for opportunities to educate her on healthy meal options.  Chances are, if a teenage boy comes up to mom and says, “I want to look like the teamRIPPED guy, so go buy me Shakeology and creatine”, mom will laugh and say NO WAY!  Instead, start making wise choices yourself, and learn everything you can about nutrition so that you can coach mom.  Go to the store with her and point out the good options.  Ask if you can have grilled chicken.  Make a big deal about how yummy and healthy the meals are that she makes that will fit your diet plan.

So the others in your life aren’t lining up to root for you and cheer you on?  Neither did mine!  I met with tons of resistance from everyone in my life.  You can’t set out on a journey like this unless you are willing to do it alone.  Most won’t want to follow (at least not initially).  So what.  Lead by example.  Eat healthy even while everyone around you is eating junk.  They are all waiting to see you fail.  Prove them wrong.  It took a good 5 or 6 months of me working out and eating clean every day before my wife got on board.  It’s been great ever since, but there were many times I was “on an island” doing this alone.  But I was determined.  And I’m glad I stuck with it because it’s made a huge difference in my whole family  …. not just for me.  My wife works out every day now, and I have nearly everyone in my family drinking Shakeology, dialing in their nutrition and making wise choices, and seeing huge health benefits.  That’s so rewarding.  But it didn’t happen overnight.

Bottom line — don’t be a victim.  Take the challenges head on.  Be strong in your resolve.  Plan to succeed.  Get creative with your diet, your schedule, your workout equipment …. but don’t make excuses or blame others.

Those who want it bad enough will find the way.  I’m not telling you it will be easy.  I’m telling you it will be WORTH IT!


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