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The Tony Horton 1-on-1’s came out every month when they were first released.  It’s just Tony in his personal home gym with a cameraman.  You can get single workouts or an entire volume.  They went all the way through Volume 3, which was the precursor / testing ground for the future P90X2 program that was released in late 2011.

I didn’t subscribe to the entire volume, because there are several of the workouts I simply am not interested in.  What I’ve found to be a much better idea is to hand-pick the workouts that I want from the previous volumes.  So far, I’ve tried several, and they are really really good!  I have an entire month of my Hybrid Workout dedicated to the 1-on-1’s.

Still my favorites and recommendations:

Upper Body Massacre (30/15) = This is 60 brutal minutes of pullups and pushups, using different hand positions.  This gives me a pump like nothing else!  I even worked up to being able to keep up with Tony the whole way, that was one of my goals to be able to get every rep by the end of day 180.

Just Arms = This one is great for Bi’s, Tri’s, and forearms.  No shoulders or chest or anything else.  Just arms!  After 45 minutes, the arms are rubber! This is a great substitution for Body Beast Bulk: Arms if you are looking to mix it up.

Diamond Delts = Tons of great shoulder exercises in this one.  It’s shorter (only 37 minutes), but a great workout. Another option to bring into the mix for Body Beast… either for Build or Bulk Shoulders. Sometimes you just need a little Tony!

Killer Abs = This is a combination of Ab Ripper AND Ab Ripper X.  It’s only 25 minutes long, but a big step up from Ab Ripper X, so I do this every week to totally burn the abs.

If you want to customize your workout routine, look through the volumes and pick some 1-on-1’s that target your desired muscle groups.  They are very P90X-like, but without the cast and crew.  Oh yeah, they also don’t have the little time tracker on the bottom of the screen (which I wish they did because I love that thing!!).

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