When I started P90X exactly 1 year ago, coaching others through the process was the furthest thing from my mind. My focus was entirely on myself. Pushing myself, motivating myself, holding myself accountable to do the workouts. I knew that Beachbody coaches existed, but I didn’t think much of it since the person I got assigned to never contacted me. I was flying solo, so to speak!
Then I started plugging into message boards, looking for information on how to maximize my workouts and results. That’s when I stumbled upon the person who I would eventually make my COACH — Josh Spencer. I couldn’t believe the wealth of knowledge I now had at my fingertips, from a person who had used the program, fine tuned it to get awesome results, and was now helping others maximize their results. It took my passion and motivation to a whole new level. I loved having a coach! But actually becoming a coach was still not even on the radar.
Then, when I finished Day 90, I sent my transformation pics to Josh to see how impressed he would be, and he immediately encouraged me to become a coach and help others. My initial thoughts were, “I don’t have time for that”, and, “I already have a great job — I don’t need a second income.” But after talking it over with my wife, and thinking about the fact that coaching others would help hold me accountable to keep pushing play myself, I ventured into the world of Beachbody coaching.
It’s been an amazing ride. teamRIPPED has exploded, thanks to people just like you who have plugged in here to get motivation and motivate each others. And I’m constantly working to maximize your results with nutrition, supplement, and workout tips. And clearly my initial goal to remain accountable to my own fitness has definitely worked. I’m still just as fired up and passionate about these workout programs as I ever was (if not more).
But what about you? Why might you consider the option of becoming a Beachbody coach? That depends on you. There are a couple components to Beachbody coaching. The first is that many people use a coach account to save money on the products they buy, knowing full well that they have no interest in coaching others through the program. This actually makes a lot of sense for people who are using BB products and supplements every month. Since a coach account is only $39 for the first month and $15 per month after that, many folks come out way ahead by having a coach account and saving 25% on everything they buy. Even if the only product they buy is Shakeology, they will come out $15 ahead every month … not to mention having the ability to buy products at a discount for their friends and family members who are also going through workout programs.
The other component to coaching is that you can actually use it as an opportunity to coach others (like I have done). This is what I’ve found to be very rewarding. By making your goals into my goals, I get the satisfaction of seeing you reach your goals and maximize your results with the programs. For many of my services, I don’t get paid anything. But when the people I coach do buy Beachbody products, I get a commission from Beachbody as a way to reimburse me for my efforts in helping those people with their programs.
I really like this approach to coaching because it puts us on the same team. You want the best results possible. And that’s exactly what I want for you! When you succeed, I succeed, because you get excited, passionate, and fired up about what’s happened in your life. And then you tell others, and teamRIPPED continues to grow. Some coaches get it all wrong and try to sell products all day long. This doesn’t earn the trust of the people they are coaching. My approach is to help you get the best results possible. That’s why the people I coach develop a loyalty to me. I will recommend some BB products, and yes, I get a commission from BB when people buy them. But I also spend a lot of my time helping my team maximize results with things that have nothing to do with me earning a commission — nutrition tips, workout tips, motivation, sharing the success stories of others, critiquing their diets, recommending non-BB products and supplements that have worked for me, etc. This is why the sense of loyalty and comradery on teamRIPPED is so high. We are all on the same team with the same goal — AWESOME RESULTS!! And it’s also why we basically own the Facebook fan page with our transformation stories. Y’all know how to BRING IT!!!
So I want to say a special THANK YOU to you guys and gals that make teamRIPPED such a special place! The encouragement I get from you is more than you’ll ever know, and it’s the most rewarding part of Beachbody coaching. I love sharing this experience with you all.
Keep Bringing it!
And if you are interested in learning more about becoming a BB coach yourself, whether it’s simply to save money on the products you use or to coach others through the workout programs, send me an email and I’ll be glad to share more about it with you (coachwayne@teamripped.com).
–Coach Wayne
Need a coach?
This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!My email: coachwayne@teamripped.com
IG: @wayne_wyatt