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So I took a while to weigh in on this, but I have been asked a few times through FB, email, and in the comments to touch on it. So I will. What does Coach Wayne think about the Dad Bod? I mean, I am a dad, I have a body…. I think I am qualified to talk about this!

Background on the Dad Bod

About a month ago I starting seeing this article pop up on Facebook. In this piece, the author talks about why she believes women prefer men with a “dad bod.” Her definition of the dad bod is: “I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.” It’s not an overweight guy, but it isn’t one with washboard abs, either. She then goes into detail on why she feels this is attractive. Let’s look at those reasons:

1.) It doesn’t intimidate us.

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Yes, you can love your family and workout!

Really?! Evidently you will feel worse about yourself if the guy you’re with is fit and clearly works out? I really don’t know where to start with this one. I think that says more about you and your personal issues than the body composition of some guy. If they guy is making you feel bad for your weight, etc. I mean verbally, directly making you feel bad, on purpose, DITCH HIM! But don’t let what any other person looks like get you down. There will always be someone a little better in all areas of life. If you are going to do anything with that, let that motivate you!

2.) We like being the pretty one.

Here she talks about wanting to be the center of attention. “We want to look skinny and the bigger the guy, the smaller we feel…” Again, this is the author’s issue, not the dude’s! I feel bad about how insecure she is! How big or small you are is not dependent on who you’re standing next to. You are either overweight or you’re not. Some comparisons might make you feel better, but let’s use me as an example. I was still overweight before I started P90X whether or not I was standing next to a sumo wrestler. I might not have seemed to be as overweight if I were to stand next to someone much larger than me, but that didn’t change my weight and health.

3.) Better cuddling.

SMH… I’m always fully flexed.. 100% of the day. Always. Oh, wait….

4.) Good eats.

Here she rails against guys that meal prep. I can understand that it can be difficult for other people around you when you’re 100% dialed in. But for most of us losing weight, we need that focus. Evidently this gal won’t find you attractive if you can’t go to town on some tacos or pitchers of beer. Even when I’m 100% dialed in, I don’t feel that I’m depriving myself. Yes, I may not binge on food, but that is never healthy anyways. I eat really tasty food. I have fun eating out. And heaven forbid that your concern for your health will lead you to pick healthier choices it nutrition.

5.) You know what you’re getting.

Finally the last one LOL Her last point is that if you’re dating someone slightly out of shape, you know what you’re getting in the future. She obviously has very little life experience. How many of us got a little out of shape after college only to get a lot out of shape in the next 10 years? If nutrition and exercise aren’t part of your lifestyle, our bad habits have a tendency of adding up. All that beer and all those tacos will leave you a very different person at 45 than at 22.

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All Dads. All getting better with age!

My overall opinion on the Dad Bod

This article really seemed like a waste of my time LOL I’m not sure if the author had some bad experiences with some gym rat, bro types… but come on! The whole article seemed so shallow and just a dig at people that work out and put a priority on their health. Can someone be too obsessed and vain? Sure! Can a person also be a sloth and obese? YES!

It really seems to boil don’t to you and the person you are in a relationship with. If my fitness took #1 priority in my life, it wouldn’t be right. It would be pushing aside my faith, my wife, and my family. That is no good! But I can give those most important areas of my life my full attention and workout! I can meal prep and plan too. I can have a 6 pack and be a good, loving husband that doesn’t make my wife feel bad. I know for a FACT that my health and fitness makes me a better husband and dad. I am there to do more for my kids! I’m not drinking heavily on the weekends, bingeing, and showing them a horrible example.

I really think this gal needs to be introduced to Beachbody :-) Workouts at about 1 hr a day (at most), simple nutrition planning, get results. Then maybe she could start feeling better about herself without having to just push her insecurities on the guys she dates! Maybe we could even get her tracking her nutrition and working those cheat meals into her macros ;-)

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