The rumor is true! P90X:MC2 is coming!! Yeah!! It will be awesome! It will be a new, 90-Day workout for P90X grads to push our minds and bodies to new limits! This is gonna ROCK! The “MC2” stands for “Muscle Confusion 2”, and the idea is that it will build on the tried and true principles that have made P90X a hit.
Oh, BTW, it won’t be out until the end of 2011 (Yeah, that’s like 1 1/2 years from now, if everything goes as planned). So don’t get too excited just yet! But store this nugget of info away for future reference, cuz when it does finally get here, it will be sweet! The only reason I’m posting this blog about it is in case y’all have heard the rumors, or if your friends ask you about it. So yes, it’s coming, but they haven’t even started making it yet so don’t get too excited!! I’ll be interested to see if it’s even as good as P90X in the final analysis! Maybe they will stay true to the P90X lifting but up the cardio portion of the workouts (more like the Insanity hybrids that everyone — including myself — have started doing). Who knows!?!?
In the meantime, keep pushing play with P90X, which is tried and true and guaranteed to work. And if you want to take parts of your routine to new levels, do a hybrid (like the one I’m doing) by adding P90X Plus, One-on-Ones, and Insanity. Trust me, there are plenty of GREAT workouts to keep you busy and keep your muscles on the brink until P90X:MC2 comes out!! I’m actually glad that MC2 won’t be out for a while cuz that will give me time to experiment with my own hybrid routines for a few more rounds first. BRING IT!!
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