I get so pumped up to know what is coming down the pipe to make our workouts better and take us to the next level. I got a little sneak peek when I was in Dallas a couple weeks ago. I got to do a very intense “audition” workout with Tony Horton for the upcoming P90X:MC2 (the next version of P90X due to come out in about a year). It was TOUGH! And I also got to hear from some of the experts Beachbody has brought on board to assist with designing the MC2 workouts — these are guys who work with the most elite athletes in the world to make their bodies work better, do more, and stay healthier. We’re talking Olympic athletes, Pro football players, Pro basketball players, etc. These guys know their stuff! That alone excites me, because I can’t wait to see what these bright minds come up with for the next P90X!! They are talking about using Mixed Martial Arts workouts, as well as developing a MASS BUILDING program as part of P90X:MC2! Heck yeah!
Steve Edwards, who is a Beachbody insider, recently posted some new info on his blog that I want to pass along to you. He touches on MC2, Asylum (the next Insanity), and an approved phone app for P90X (finally!).
And I will pass along this scoop on Asylum — one of the guys in Dallas who was trying out for MC2 with me was part of the Asylum cast (Asylum has aready finished filming), and he leaked that Asylum is every bit as intense on the cardio (if not more) than the original Insanity, but Shaun T also brings in weight lifting days to the routine!! (Don’t quote me on that because this guy could have been messing with me!!). Regardless, that should be AWESOME!! I can’t wait to try it!
Without further ado, here is a recap of Steve Edwards’ blog:
“Let’s start with Asylum, which is on the top of the list because I’m going over the cueing on the final (yes, should be soon) round of edits. As soon as I check this off we’ll officially be on the final road to release. For you folks who just can’t get enough of Insanity I’ll just say this: that program is like a warm-up for Asylum.
And speaking of upping the ante, we’re into the nitty gritty of the Tony Horton One on One previews for MC2 (if you’re not getting these you might want to start now). Why I say this is that we’ve got a host of outside experts pushing Tony out of his comfort zone. Since Tony’s always pushing you out of yours it’s probably nice to hear that he’s human. What we’ve got on tap—all shooting in November—are three workouts that are far different than what you’ve seen before from Tony.
First we have a new Core/Synergistics where Tony teams up with his ski buddy/trainer extraordinaire Steve Holmsen. Tony’s been training with Steve for years so you’ve seen some of his handy work already but we’re looking at this one as the next level.
Next, we’ve taken a huge step in upgrading Kenpo X by signing on with some of the biggest names in martial arts to create what we’re calling MMX. I’ll wait to reveal the names but Tony’s actually nervous about working with them, and he’s not exactly the nervous type. Wow (inside joke on P90x development).
Finally we have PAP, which you’ve been hearing plenty about here (for those of you who don’t follow Steve’s blog, PAP is a new type of workout philosophy involving heavy resistance followed by explosive moves). And while the real expert is Dr. Marcus Elliott I’ll be filling in for One on One since I’m the one who’s been working on transitioning this elite-level training to the masses.
And you’ll be happy to hear that we’ve teamed up with a guy named Sagi Kalev—who is anything but small—to create a mass program. I met with Sagi out in Dallas (at the Team Beachbody Leadership Conference) to lay out the ground work. I think you’ll be surprised at how much mass we can create without a squat rack and 1,000 pound Olympic set.
Conversely, the success of both Body Gospel and Brazil Butt Lift have started to bring our old core (non X/Insanity/hard core) audience back and we’re making plans to offer more intro programs, including a revamped Power 90 (our first hit program).
Oh, and I almost forgot the thing that’s taking most of my time lately: our new P90x app. Deciding we were a bit late to this market we’ve contracted the best app builder team on the planet and made it our top priority. These guys really know their stuff. Prepare to be blown away soon.”
I don’t know about y’all, but I can’t wait!!! Bring it!
— Coach Wayne
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