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**Updates, as I get them, are being added to the body of this article IN GREEN**.  So look back through to see the stuff I’m finding out, as I find it out.  I even heard from CARL D. himself this morning as I reached out to him about my biggest concern — He put my fears to rest and I’m even more fired up now!!!


***The P90X2 Pre-orders will open at 9AM PST / 12PM EST tomorrow (Thursday, Sept 1st). Get ready!!!

Get ready to drool!  The details are coming out about P90X2 in anticipation of it’s September 1st pre-order date.  SEPTEMBER 1 — That’s T minus 7 days and counting …. I can’t wait!  Be sure you are here next Thursday morning, September 1st, because as soon as Beachbody provides the links for pre-ordering, I’ll have them on my site!  I don’t know if they will have the links early in the morning, mid morning, or afternoon, but within SECONDS of them giving me the info, you’ll have it so you can get your order in before the rush!!

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From this week’s webinar in with Tony Horton himself, I learned some of the specifics about the marketing, packaging, and pricing of P90X2.

Here’s some of the highlights you are probably anxious to know:

— You can order this bad boy in either standard DVD or BLU-RAY!  (For those of you wanting to see me in full detail, get the Blu-Ray LOL!)  The Blu-Ray version costs more (see the options below).

— You can get a base kit, a deluxe kit, and an ultimate kit:

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BASE KIT = $119.85 for standard DVD, $149.85 for Blu-Ray.  With the Base Kit, you get 12 workouts, the workout guide, the nutrition guide, and a workout calendar.  The new nutrition guide is awesome (see more about that below).  I’ve got to say, this base kit is a smoking deal since it’s no more expensive than P90X or Insanity.  I was sure it would come in higher than $119, so I’m glad about that.  If you want the crystal clear Blu-Ray, it’s $30 more though.

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DELUXE KIT = $239.85 for standard DVD, $299.85 for Blu-Ray.  With the deluxe Kit, you get everything in the base kit PLUS you get 2 bonus X2 workouts, two medicine balls (8 pounders), a smooth foam roller, and the new BB stability ball (which has some weight and structure to it).

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ULTIMATE KIT = $299.85 for standard DVD, $359.85 for Blu-Ray.  With the ultimate Kit, you get everything in the deluxe kit PLUS you get a better, more aggressive foam roller and the Powerstands.

**Also, it’s worth noting that with the deluxe kit and the ultimate kit, you get 2 additional P90X2 workouts (V-Sculpt X2 and Chest / Shoulders / Tris X2).  These 2 workouts are not included with the base kit.  I am frankly disappointed with that decision (not to include them with the base kit) since they are awesome workouts, but until I’m the CEO there’s not much I can do about it LOL!  And since they aren’t in the base kit, I’m assuming that means they will have a workout calendar that accompanies the base kit that uses just the 12 DVD’s in the base kit.  I’m not sure how they will utilize these 2 extra DVD’s in a “deluxe” calendar.  Not including them in the base kit was news to me, so I’m still trying to figure that one out.

**UPDATE = I should have mentioned this before, but the X2 version of V Sculpt is nothing like the 1-on-1 version by the same name.  My buddy Sean Callahan is in it, and he assures me it’s got totally different moves, is a huge step up from the 1-on-1, and is super-tough!  You’ll want this in your arsenal!  I’ve seen Sean doing some of the pullups in this one and …. YIKES!!  Get ready!

For those of you who already have medicine balls and stability balls, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to pay an extra $120 for the deluxe kit just to get the 2 extra workouts, so I’m hoping (and complaining to corporate) to offer those 2 extra X2 workouts as a separate item that you can buy and add to the base kit.  We’ll see if they listen!   I will try to have an answer to you early next week about this so that you can plan on which kit to purchase.

**UPDATE = From the mouth of Carl D. himself to me this morning == “yes they will be available seperately! And thanks for all you are doing to drive this forward!” (the second part had nothing to do with the 2 bonus workouts but hey, Carl complimented me so by golly I’m quoting it LOL!  Thanks Carl!  You rock and BB rocks.  This puts to rest my only disappointment!  The V Sculpt and Chest/Shoulders/Tris WILL be available separately.  If you already have the equipment, you won’t need to buy the deluxe kit to get those 2 workouts! Yeah!

**Update = the 2 bonus DVD’s will be available as an Advanced Workout Package for $59 DVD and $64 Blu-Ray.  That seems a bit steep for just the 2 DVD’s, but with the Base Kit being such a smoking deal I understand why they priced these a bit higher.  It leads me to believe that most people will opt for a deluxe or ultimate package if they really want the 2 extra workouts.  I’m getting the ultimate package anyways — even though I have 3 stability balls, they are the regular soft squishy ones, not these upgraded firm ones.  And that aggressive foam roller is good stuff!  It’s worth about $70 just on it’s own. 


Further tidbits of info:

–Everyone who was a subscriber to Volume 3 of the 1-on-1’s is entitled to a 50% discount on their P90X2 purchase.  I didn’t get clarification on whether or not the 50% off applies to any of the kits you want.  And they also didn’t discuss whether or not they will be sending a discount code via email or if they will just look it up on your TBB account to apply the credit.  I’m still waiting to get some final directions on that before pre-orders start in 8 days.

**UPDATE = The 50% discount is only for people who bought ALL of Volume 3.  You should have gotten a discount code with the shipment of the last 1-on-1 in that series if you in fact qualified.  I didn’t buy them all, so I won’t be getting 50% off.  And you had to buy the whole Volume 3 by June 30 to qualify (either as a set or you would have needed to be subscribed the whole time).  The 50% off discount applies to both of the base kits (you’d save $60 on the DVD base kit and $75 on the Blu-Ray base kit).  If you want to get the deluxe or ultimate kits with your 50% off discount, you just get the same amount off that the base kit would give you ($60 off the deluxe or ultimate kit in DVD, $75 off the deluxe or ultimate kit in Blu-Ray).  Coaches don’t get an additional 25% off (they get the same 50% off that customers get, but not extra). 

— Shipping and handling will be FREE for all pre-orders.  Nice perk!

— Everyone who orders through their BB coach will receive 2 bonus workout DVD’s from the Tony Horton 1-on-1 series (4 Legs and Upper Body Balance).  Also a nice perk.

— Orders through your BB coach will be open September 1st.  For everyone else, Beachbody will start offering it for pre-order on September 6th.

–Those who pre-order will be eligible for several prizes, including a personal trip from Tony Horton to deliver your copy of P90X2 to your house!   That’s pretty cool!

— P90X2 will ship before Christmas on all pre-orders, in a first come/first serve manner (exact date not set yet).

— Your credit card that you use to pre-order won’t be charged until the order ships. **UPDATE = OFFICIAL CONCRETE CONFIRMATION — your credit card will NOT be billed until it ships!!! :-). Guaranteed!!! I’ve got it confirmed from all sources, including coach relations which was originally telling people otherwise..

— There is a completely new nutrition guide that not only takes the original concepts to new levels, but there are also alternative options to optimize the nutrition for vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free diets.  There are basically 27 diet guides in 1 now!

— The equipment needed can be modified.  You can do the entire workout with just bands and furniture if needed (like the original P90X), but you’ll also be able to really get the most out of the workouts with some additional items (medicine balls, a stability ball, a foam roller, powerstands, dumbbells, and a pullup bar).

The list of DVD’s is:

  1. How to Bring it Again (Introductory session)
  2. X2 Core
  3. Plyocide
  4. X2 Recovery + Mobility
  5. X2 Total Body
  6. X2 Yoga
  7. Balance + Power
  8. X2 Chest, Back, and Balance
  9. X2 Shoulders and Arms
  10. Base and Back
  11. PAP Lower
  12. PAP Upper
  13. X2 Ab Ripper
  14. V Sculpt**
  15. X2 Chest / Shoulders / Tris**

**As I discussed above, Discs Number 14 and 15 are only in the deluxe and ultimate kits.  **UPDATE = They will also be available to buy separately if you are only getting the Base Kit! :-)

Oh, and one more thing.  There is a limit of 3 for pre-ordering (in case you are like me and want to stock up on these bad boys LOL!).

Remember, check back often as I continue to pass along info that will fire you up, help you get your pre-order plans in place, and get you obsessing about the DUECE like me!

**UPDATE = Here’s a link to the P90X2 webinar with Tony Horton from earlier this week.  I don’t know for sure if only those with a coach account can watch it or if anyone with this link can, but try it and see if it lets you watch:




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