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Are y’all ready to see the special prototype MC2 workout I got from Beachbody?  It’s off-the-chart!!!  I might get in trouble for showing you without permission, but I can’t resist!  See for yourself:

Okay, okay, that is obviously a joke.  I couldn’t stop laughing when my buddy (and teamRIPPED hero Paul M.) sent that to me, so I had to put it up for some comic relief.

Now, for the real news:

When I got my official assignment last week for the P90X:MC2 workouts, all they told me was that I was cast in a “cardio” workout.  I was hoping to be in a lifting workout, but I was excited to be in ANY workout on this upcoming remake of the best home fitness program ever.

Well, I got the prototype workout in the mail this week, and I am THRILLED!  My specific workout is called “PAP Upper”, and I’m not sure why it was labeled cardio because this is an upper body blaster.  It is the epic work of Dr. Marcus Elliot, who I mentioned in my other MC2 blog last week (Click here to read that one).   His state of the art facility is home to training for some of the worlds most elite Olympic and professional athletes.  And Beachbody has tapped his expertise to help develop some of the MC2 workouts.  I am fortunate enough to be in one of those workouts!

Oh, and by the way PAP stands for post-activation-potentiation — A big word developed by people who are experts at studying athletic performance and designing workouts to maximize our athletic potential! (Guys like Dr. Elliot).

Supposedly, the PAP workouts will be part of the final 30 days of the MC2 90 day calendar (since they are TOUGH!).  And I can see why.  I did the prototype workout and it left me nice and sore!  And my HR went over 180 a few times during the workout, and my monitor said I burned 1150 calories in the 1 hour workout, so in that sense I guess that’s why they could call it cardio!  You definitely get a cardio burn as well as an intense muscle workout.

The basic concept for the PAP workouts is a “complex”, where you rotate between a power move, a plyo/explosive move, and an isometric move.  You repeat those 3 things 4 rounds, and that’s a “complex”. It takes approximately 15 minutes to do a complex (which is 12 exercises).  You go from exercise to exercise with basically no rest, so it’s intense.  I suspect the PAP Upper will have 2 complexes (24 exercises) with a warm up and cool down (that would make it similar in length to a typical P90X lift day).

Now for the uncertain part.  They never did a true prototype workout for PAP Upper.  The prototype workout I got was PAP (which is half upper and half lower — 1 complex of each).  Since shooting that workout, they have decided to split it and do an entire PAP lower workout and an entire PAP upper workout.  This means they will most likely be adding an entire complex to the Upper and Lower workouts that I won’t even see until I show up for rehearsal on March 1st.  That makes me a little nervous, but excited nonetheless!

In the meantime, I will keep working to master the moves for the complex I know so far (but I’ve got to stay tight lipped about it for right now as to the specifics of the moves).  And I’ll show up at rehearsal ready for anything they throw at me!  Should be fun!!!

I’ll keep you all updated on the things I learn about the MC2 workouts, including my PAP Upper, as I get info and as I am allowed to share it.

Be ready to bring it!!!

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