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Protein?  When, how much, what type?

Carbs?  What are good?  Bad?  How much?

Fats?  Good sources?

Snacks?  Ideas for on the go?

Eating out?  Tips to help me plan ahead?

Should I eat before a workout?  What and when?

Which phase of the diet should I be on?  When should I switch?

How do I know if I’m doing the nutrition right?

How many calories do I need for my height and weight?

What if I work strange hours and have to eat at erratic times?

What if I’m always hungry?

What if I’m always full?

What if I’m always tired?

Can I cheat?  If so, how often

How can I afford to eat healthy on a tight budget?

I get asked these questions nearly every day.  And that’s GOOD!  It means people understand the importance of nutrition.  I am all about nutrition.  I’ve been focused on it since day 1 because people who have MAX results have 1 thing in common — they don’t mess around with nutrition!  They spend the effort to learn about it, and they put in the willpower to DO IT!

Working out takes 1 hour per day.  Fueling your body to get the benefit of that workout, build muscle, and shed body fat requires the other 23 hours!  You simply HAVE TO DO IT!  If not, don’t expect to get impressive results.

And I’ve put a single resource together for y’all to consult when you have nutrition questions.  It’s called the “Nutrition All In One”!  In it, I lay out all the building blocks of a successful nutrition plan.  Please spend the effort and time to go through it and develop your own successful plan of attack.  Otherwise you’ll be a casualty in the battle of the bulge!  Nutrition is the key gang!

If you are curious about a couple of those above questions, or any other nutrition question you have, check out my Nutrition All In One and you may find the gold mine of answers you’ve been missing!

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This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!

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