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The Tony Horton 1-on-1’s come out every month.  It’s just Tony in his personal home gym with a cameraman.  If you sign up for the whole volume, you will automatically get the new one each month.  They are just about to start Volume 3, which is the precursor / testing ground for the future P90X:MC2 program that will be released in late 2011.

I don’t subscribe to the entire volume, because there are several of the workouts I simply am not interested in.  What I’ve found to be a much better idea is to hand-pick the workouts that I want from the previous volumes.  So far, I’ve tried several, and they are really really good!  I have an entire month of my Hybrid Workout dedicated to the 1-on-1’s.

My favorites:

Upper Body Massacre (30/15) = This is 60 brutal minutes of pullups and pushups, using different hand positions.  This gives me a pump like nothing else!  I haven’t been able to keep up with Tony the whole way yet, but my goal is to be able to get every rep by the end of day 180.

Just Arms = This one is great for Bi’s, Tri’s, and forearms.  No shoulders or chest or anything else.  Just arms!  After 45 minutes, the arms are rubber!

Diamond Delts = Tons of great shoulder excercises in this one.  It’s shorter (only 37 minutes), but a great workout.

Killer Abs = This is a combination of Ab Ripper AND Ab Ripper X.  It’s only 25 minutes long, but a big step up from Ab Ripper X, so I do this every week to totally burn the abs.

If you want to customize your workout routine, look through the volumes and pick some 1-on-1’s that target your desired muscle groups.  They are very P90X-like, but without the cast and crew.  Oh yeah, they also don’t have the little time tracker on the bottom of the screen (which I wish they did because I love that thing!!).

Click on the picture below to learn more:

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