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As I discussed in one of my previous posts, we just spent a week at Family Camp in Branson.  While there, I learned some awesome lessons that I want to share with you that will hopefully motivate and inspire you on your own fitness journey.  They are Biblical principles that apply not only to our spiritual wellbeing, but also to our physical and emotional wellbeing.

1) Learning is not just about INFORMATION.  It’s about TRANSFORMATION! We are not called to be conformed to this world, but to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our mind (note = it doesn’t say INFORMED, but TRANSFORMED).  Let the things you are learning CHANGE your behavior!  When we read God’s Word, it’s not so that we can quote more Bible verses — it’s so that the Word can transform us to be more like Him.  Similarly, you can google stuff all day long about carbs, glycemic index, diet pop, organic foods, and supplements, but unless you actually let what you are learning TRANSFORM the way you eat, it makes no difference! Similarly, you can watch every P90X DVD in the case, you can memorize the sequence of the excercises, and you can study the philosophy behind muscle confusion, but unless you get off the couch and actually DO the workouts, it makes no difference!  All to often, we are great at LEARNING, but the things we learn don’t affect a TRANSFORMATION in us.  What a waste of time!  Remember, be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, both spiritually and physically!

2)  Spiritual discipline and physical discipline have a lot in common! It takes consistent time in God’s Word and prayer to achieve spiritual growth and maturity.  Similarly, it takes consistent commitment to the workouts and nutrition to achieve your desired results with P90X.  And as soon as we let that discipline slip (either spiritually or physically), we will start to move back towards where we started.  I may looked ripped right now, but if I start eating junk food again and skipping workouts, what will I look like 90 days from now?  Probably like my Day 1 pics!  Yikes!  I may know and meditate on God’s Word a lot right now, but if I decide not to make time for God, how will my “spiritual muscles” look 90 days from now?  Scrawny, I bet!  Discipline is something we must build into our lives if we want to be all that God wants us to be, both spiritually and physically.

It’s not a 90 Day race gang!  It’s for LIFE!

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