Knockoff DVD’s. They are EVERYWHERE! They are cheaper than getting your program through Beachbody, no doubt! You can find them on eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, etc. But is getting them for half-price really worth it?
P90X-er: “My Back/Bicep DVD stops half way through. What can I do?”
Coach Wayne: “Call Beachbody and they will hapily send you a new one for free. No problem!”
P90X-er: “I didn’t get it from Beachbody. I got it off eBay.”
Coach Wayne: “Sorry! You’ll need to buy another set or contact the seller.”
P90X-er: “They won’t return my emails.”
I hate having that conversation. It happens all the time! There are other twists, like “The Insanity exercises are out of order”, “The DVD’s skip”, etc., but it’s always the same result. If you bought a pirated copy of the DVD’s, you didn’t get a “good deal”. You paid $50 or $80 or whatever for burned DVD’s that cost the seller a total of probably $5 to make. And you get no customer support with that! Sorry! And if (more likely when) they goof up, you either have to workout with no DVD or buy another set, which will end up costing you more than if you’d bought the real thing the first time!
And the above scenario doesn’t even include the other big problem I see over and over with pirated copies of the DVD’s. Often, but not always, they come without guidebooks or nutrition guides. And then the buyer is lost, not knowing where to begin with nutrition or even what order to do the workouts in. I often get questions like:
P90X-er: “What does fat shredder mean?” / “What are you talking about when you say 50/30/20?” / “What is the difference between Classic and Lean.”
Coach Wayne: “The guidebook explains it on page …”
P90X-er: “I don’t have the guidebooks. I borrowed these DVD’s from my brother’s friend’s cousin’s uncle’s dog who lost the guides.”
Coach Wayne: “Sorry! I can’t spend all my time trying to teach you the contents of the 100+ page nutrition and workout guide that you should have. You’ll need to find one or buy a P90X program for yourself.”
At this point I feel like the jerk for having to draw the line, but I have so many committed team members who want my help in maximizing their results, that I don’t have the time (and frankly shouldn’t have to spend the time) to go over everything from the guidebooks so that P90X-er can save a few bucks on their pirated DVD’s!
The way I look at it, time is money, and even if you think your time is only worth minumum wage, you are going to spend over 90 hours doing these workouts in the next 90 days. That’s a lot of time! Isn’t it worth it to you to have the REAL DVD’s, the whole package of materials, and the customer support of Beachbody when you need it to be sure you get the most bang for your buck! I think so!
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