Hey everyone! If you have a significant other, spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, mom, dad, etc. ….. Don’t forget to tell them Happy Valentine’s Day! And while you are at it, do something special for the loved ones in your life! Don’t get them candy though. That’s way too typical in Fat America to throw calories at everything. How about flowers, a stuffed animal, or a gift card for a pedicure or something. Or take that special someone around the world on a dream vacation! LOL!
Actually, I’ve chosen that last option! I have been in Argentina all week with my amazing wife, Anita, enjoying a much needed reprieve from our usual chaotic life with 6 small kiddos! It’s like a recovery week during P90X …. it really recharges you and let’s you reflect on how far you’ve come, how much you’ve accomplished, and set some new short term and long term goals.
The trip was a reward for being the TOP COACH in Beachbody for the second straight year ….. so THANK YOU to all of you in teamRIPPED nation for your loyalty, your commitment, and your amazing results that have inspired thousands. I wouldn’t be a coach … much less TOP COACH … without each of you. So thank you!!!
It was really cool that this trip falls over the Valentine’s Day holiday, to make it possible to do something so memorable and special with my bride on this day. She’s been an amazing wife to me, a wonderful encourager, and the world’s best mom to our 6 kids. And raising 6 kids while keeping your sanity is not an easy thing! She’s done it with such grace and style.
While on this vacation, we’ve had the opportunity to hike to the world’s biggest waterfall — talk about a majestic sight that will take your breath away. God’s creation is awesome! It’s summer down here in Argentina, so it’s also been a nice break from winter weather :-). Are you all jealous yet LOL?!
Okay, I know you are thinking, “Wayne, enough with your fancy schmancy trip and the great weather. Tell me something that will help me focus on my health and fitness”. Okay, how about this =
Would you believe that I have been on vacation for a whole week, eating out at amazing restaurants, and I haven’t gained a single pound! Yes, it’s the truth! I’ve had an awesome time, but I’ve also been smart. Why go on a vacation and overindulge to the point that it takes 2 months to get rid of the excess flab you put on in a week? How does that leave good memories? I would rather have a blast, enjoy the experiences, and not have regrets afterward.
I put my own advice into practice while eating out in Argentina — a lot of delicious grilled fish, chicken, and lean steak. Lots of tasty steamed veggies, salads, and fruits. Breakfast was Shakeology, fresh fruit, and egg white omelets every day. YUM! A little wine tasting that I had accounted for and fit into my daily calorie budget. Lots of tasty food with no binging and no regrets. And trust me …. before I decided to make health and fitness a priority, a week in Argentina with the amazing food and wine could have easily added 15 pounds to my body! So I’ve come a long way!
I also packed my emergency rations which came in handy several times — Pure Protein bars, beef jerky almonds, oatmeal, and whey protein. They are life savers when you find yourself somewhere you can’t make a good menu choice. When this happens, I simply eat very light (maybe just a salad), knowing I’ll fuel up afterward from my stockpile.
And what about workouts? No problem! I took my laptop with DVD’s for the Body Beast workouts that were on tap this week and used the hotel gym. #Whatever it takes! #Beast up! #No excuses!
I’ll be heading home later today and arrive back in the States tomorrow morning. Back to reality :-). Not that reality is bad. I count the blessings of my regular life every day. . But a week to recharge with Anita has been heavenly!
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IG: @wayne_wyatt