We’ve all heard that old saying, “GIVE a man a fish, you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish, you feed him for a LIFETIME.”
I firmly believe that, especially when it comes to living a healthy and fit lifestyle. My goal as your coach is NOT to make you dependent on me to tell you what to eat, when to eat, what workout to do, when to do it, etc. My goal is to TEACH you the fundamentals of healthy nutrition and a wise exercise plan so that you can make those decisions for yourself. Unfortunately, that takes more work! LOL! It’s more work for me to put all the information together to teach you, and it’s more work for you to read it and learn it. But that’s what it takes if you want to live healthy and fit for a lifetime, and not just 90 days.
It would be very easy for me to transcribe exactly what I ate on my fat shredder Round 1 diet. In fact, I’ve even done that to an extent (my 1900 calorie sample diet in the “nutrition zone” tab). However, my goal in showing you that is NOT that you would simply go to the store, buy those exact foods, and eat my sample day 1 diet every day for 90 days. Would that work? Sure! It would give you great results. But have you really learned how to eat smart? No. And you won’t know how to adapt it, how to make wise food choices when given different choices, or how to adjust it as your nutrition needs change. You are just following what I am telling you …. you are taking the fish I handed you. That will feed you for a day! And then you’ll be back the next day asking if this piece of bread is okay or if that piece of fruit is okay. You haven’t learned “to fish”!
I want you to LEARN TO FISH!!
I didn’t get AWESOME results because I ate 2.5 oz of beef jerky for my afternoon snack and 20 baby carrots with my lunch. I got awesome results because I learned everything I could about nutrition. I want to pass on that knowledge to you. I want you to understand how to track your nutrition because that’s the key to my results. I didn’t eat what someone told me to eat. I figured out the fundamentals that were critical to my nutrition plan and then set my diet around those:
– How many total calories I wanted each day (I wanted a 1000 calorie deficit to start, which I planned on adjusting as I needed but I held up well so I stuck with it).
– What % of protein / carbs / fats I wanted each day (I wanted to closely follow the fat shredder % with 50% protein and fats lower than 20%)
– How often I needed to eat during the day (I wanted to fuel my body every 2.5-3 hours all day long to keep my metabolism up)
– How many calories I needed each meal and snack to distribute my fuel evenly through the day (I wanted to keep my fuel source stable through the day and ate slightly more at meals than snacks)
– Which side to err on when going over or under the % of protein / carbs / fats (I wanted to err on the side of going low on fats and high on protein, with carbs filling in the difference. I often went over 30% on carbs for the simple fact that my fats were low — in the 15% range)
– What foods make good healthy choices within each category of food, and which foods are less desirable (I studied which foods have the most protein, least sugar, and which forms of carbs have the best outcomes on blood sugar)
If you learn those principles, you don’t need my sample diet. You’ll know how to make your OWN diet, catered to YOUR tastes, YOUR schedule, YOUR budget, YOUR body. That’s what I want for you! That’s what will keep you healthy far beyond 90 days.
It will take work on your part to learn how to do it, but once you do, the light bulb will turn on and the whole mystery of nutrition will seem so simple to you!
So getting back to those above principles, those are just the short answers here but to learn the whole picture, go to the “nutrition all-in-one” page and start reading the links! I’ve written extensively about every one of those principles. You don’t have to learn everything about how to fish all in a day, but make the time to start learning. In the meantime I’ll keep giving you the occasional fish to tide you over :-)
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This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!My email: coachwayne@teamripped.com
IG: @wayne_wyatt