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I know that most of the transformations I show on here, especially the P90X ones, are guys.  But Rebecca’s results with the X will knock your socks off and show y’all that the ladies know how to Bring it every bit as well as the guys!

Rebecca’s results landed her a spot in the most recent P90X infomercial (CONGRATS!!).  And check out her video, showing that just because she’s a mom doesn’t mean she can’t crank out some pullups and balance pushups on med balls!  Way to go Rebecca!!  I also happen to know that her husband has some INSANE results, but that’s another story for another day.  Today is all about the LADIES!!

Rebecca’s Story =

Before P90X, I was average at best when it came to my overall health and fitness.  At least this is how I perceived myself and I guess, looking back, I was wanting and searching for something more out of myself.  In high school and college, I played a lot of sports and so being fit was never an issue and I never really paid attention to what food I was putting in my body.  After college, I struggled with finding an exercise program that I enjoyed and I struggled with my nutrition as well.  After the pregnancies of my two daughters in a span of approximately 2 years, I began the Slim in 6 program by Debbie Siebers and the ChaLEAN Extreme program, which helped me lose my pregnancy weight.  But, I still went back to that same weight.  At 5’8”, I returned to my weight of 150-155 pounds.  I thought to myself, this is just the weight I’m meant to be despite my trials of various diets and attempts of exercising on a regular basis.   Looking back, I had all the EXCUSES lined up on a weekly basis as to why I couldn’t exercise or maintain a proper nutrition program.

Then in March of 2011, my husband and I visited our friends Jeff and Lauren at their home for dinner.  We had not seen them in a few months so we were looking forward to seeing them.  While driving over, Pete and I discussed how much better we were doing with exercising and our eating.  But, when we saw Jeff and Lauren, we were blown away by their transformations!  They looked amazing and when I asked what they were doing, they said P90X, the nutrition program and Shakeology!  That night, Pete and I realized that we needed to make a change in our lives.  In April of 2011, we begin P90X and followed the nutrition plan along with Shakeology.  Today, we are still going strong with the Beachbody programs, like P90X One-on-Ones, Insanity, Asylum, and Shakeology!  I went from 155 pounds to 119 pounds and 22% body fat to 7% body fat.  I went from a size 8-10 to now a size 0!  AND I now have abs!  It’s crazy to see them because even as a scholarship basketball player in college, I never had abs!  People look at me now and describe me as “small” or “tiny”.  These are adjectives that were never used to describe me in the past.  Most importantly, I feel that I’m a better example to my children and to my entire family.  Also, I’m a better example for my patients within my community as their physical therapist.

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