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As people look to the New Year and think about marking a real change, I started to think: If I had to do it all over again, what would I do!

This is what I came up with!

Doing it all over: Starting a Beachbody Program

#1) I wouldn’t wait. – Plain and simple, I would get going right away. I had tried other things failed, and now knowing what I know I would start right away with Beachbody. The structure and design put them far ahead of anything else I have tried. I wouldn’t waste any time and I would jump right in. Don’t let the START stop you!

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#2) I’d do P90X – That’s right, I would still do P90X. I might consider a hybrid with another program, but the foundation of my first program would still be P90X. I still believe this is the best program for giving you amazing results from day one. It’s simple and to the point and has tons of lifting. I like that the moves are overly complicated, and you can focus on just moving heavier weights each week. Yes, it’s a little dated, but it works! If you look at the veteran and faithful teamRIPPED members, you will see that they crushed P90X and it got them amazing results!

And they didn’t have this at all when I started, but I would use Beachbody On Demand (BOD) right away. It’s cheaper than buying all the programs, I get all the P90X series, Asylum series, Body Beast… for only $13 a month! 

#3) I’d start tracking from Day 1 – Over anything else, this I KNOW to be true – nutrition tracking gives you absolute best results. No portion plan, no containers, weigh and track all your food. Knowing what I know now, I would download MyMacros+ as my tracking tool. As I have used more and more tools, this one keeps coming to the top. I still like MyFitnessPal but this would be my go to app. I would buy a digital kitchen scale and use it. I would buy extra measuring spoons and cups (sine they get dirty all the time with tracking, and I would go all out for the 90 days, reassess, and then keep on it!

#4) I’d join a Facebook Challenge Group – We didn’t have these when I started. I would get on Facebook get involved with the challenge group for accountability. I would post and plug-in. Like I did the first time, I would email my coach and get help even if I thought it wasn’t a big deal. When you put out all this effort, get the most out of it – pull on those people that have experience and that want to help!

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#5) I wouldn’t second guess supplements – Supplements not only help give you the best results, I feel they also help you mentally. I know that if I’m investing in my health through Shakeology and other supplements that it trains my mind to care about what  I put in my body. I’m not going to eat crap that will work against me! As I have said before, I was hesitant about Shakeology like a lot of people are, but I decided to try it and I knew I could send it back if I didn’t think it was worth it. Well, it was worth it! I fell 100% better when I use Shakeology than when I don’t. It makes breakfast super easy and I know I am starting my day off full of the best vitamins, minerals, and superfoods. As a starting list I would use Shakeology, whey, creatine, and maybe a PWO like Energize (if I needed to wake up a little LOL).

#6) I would get my whole support team on board! – This is a big one. I would make sure I did a better job talking to my wife and family. I would make sure they knew my WHY and what I had to do. I would want them to know as much as they could what I was doing and why it was important. I would ask for their support – even when I am eating other meals than the rest of the family. Even when I am saying no to snacks and desserts. Even when I have to make the waiter put in a special order at a restaurant. I would be super positive and excited!

So what are you waiting for?

Is the time now?

Are you ready to go!

Let’s do this teamRIPPED!

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