That was my high school nickname. A term of endearment given me by my buddies. And it also became my “bulletin board” quote as I rocked my first round of P90X! As I melted off the body fat, I thought about how I would show everyone who doubted me that I was a winner. A champion!
And why did a stud like me ever get the name Twinkie? Simple. I have always had a body like a soft twinkie full of squishy filling material. LOL! I gotta admit, that’s funny! And it was also true. I was the big O-Lineman and it was acceptable to carry a nice layer of blubber to pad the program stats (260 lbs senior year of football). One of my best buddies in high school gave me the name, and it stuck. Thanks Kev! And no, I didn’t lay awake at night crying about being named Twinkie — this is just a humorous example of what many of us face with negative comments and labels being placed on us.
But those kind of names and labels (and negative talk in general) can have 2 effects on a person, depending on your mindset — it can bring you down or it can fuel your fire. Which kind of person are you? Do you tell yourself that those negative names and comments are true and that you can’t reach your goals? Or do you say, GAME ON!!
Wanna know something really cool? Kevin, my buddy who named me Twinkie, will be reading this very post because he’s now a teamRIPPED member now himself! He went from 250-212 during his first round of the X! And of course he never meant harm by the nickname, just like I never meant harm when I nicknamed him Swamp Thing (LOL buddy!)
And so it goes with people who have the heart of a champion. When you get negativity from those around you, you will either believe it or you will post it on your “bulletin board” and use it to fuel even more intensity, more passion, and more drive to succeed? We all have the heart of a champion in us. Will we call on it or drown it out with negativity?
Even after doing P90X for a year, I still hear the negative comments, said by people who want to drag me down and see me “fall off the wagon”. Why? Because they dislike me? NO! In fact, they are often the people who like me the most! But if they are doing nothing about their own health, the fact that I am in great shape bothers them! It makes them feel guilty, and it’s a whole lot easier to criticize me than to get off the couch and do something about their own fitness.
I just let it fuel the fire! GAME ON!!!
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IG: @wayne_wyatt