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If you’ve been with us through  July, you know I’ve been reviewing the workouts from Beachbody’s new program Focus T25. My goal has to give you an overview of what to expect from T25. I have reviewed the Alpha Phase and Beta Phase. I even doubled up workouts to make sure to get them in because I wanted y’all to get my review as soon as possible.  I have even given you a complete picture of the program and guides.

Now it’s time to take a look at the add-on phase, the Gamma Phase! Just like TurboFire or X2, Focus T25 has an advanced phase called Gamma. It is an add-on and will give you 4 all new workouts. These workouts are more focused on strength and muscle building. After crushing the Alpha and Beta phases, you know that you won’t want to stop! Gamma gives you a great option to keep improving and to grow even stronger with T25.

Focus T25 Gamma Phase Workouts

The focus of T25 Gamma phase is strength. It spells that out from the start of the workout calendar… FOCUS: STRENGTH. I’ve always been a huge advocate of hitting the weights to get the best results. If you want real body composition changes, you need to be incorporating weight training. Shaun T’s weight training is always intense. He goes hard all the time. It will limit how much weight you can use on each lift because the pace is so fast. But go hard and focus. You will see your strength increase with Shaun T’s style of lifting just like you will if you were using another program. We always get better at what we practice. So if you are Beastin’ up, you will get stronger and better at that style of lifting. If you are doing P90X, you’ll improve at doing those styles of workouts. T25 Gamma is no different.

The Pyramid: You’ll need some weights or bands and maybe a mat for floor work. You start with a great cardio warm up section and your HR is already starting to scream. Then the pyramids start! Many of the sets are combo sets. For example, the first set is a Hummer Curl – Squat. Each set of building hammer curls is broken up with a squat. Use that squat to take a break from your curls. Each set has one more rep added to the curls. Lifting sets are broken up with some cardio moves. This just keeps your HR up and you need to keep your focus. I really liked the Push Ups + Child’s Pose. That would be a great pyramid to see how big of a pyramid you can build. The Child’s Pose lets you take the smallest of break to set it up for the next step of the pyramid. All in all a great workout!

Rip’t Up:  Again you’ll need some weights or bands and maybe a mat for floor work. With all of these lifting workout (as I said before), have a bunch of dumbbells around to find the right weight. You will be limited in how much you can use as these are high rep, high HR workouts but find what is right for you. If you can use 20s, great! If you can push it more and use 30s, even better! Just keep improving. This workout has more basic lifts but they are all back to back to back to back and that makes it BURN! T25 Gamma makes you bring it! What you will notice about the Rip’t Up workout is that you can use a pull up bar if you have one available. So if you have done P90X, have that pull up bar ready. You will get more out of the back work if you are using a pull up bar. I really liked the chest press progression. Go slowly and make it count. If you stay focused you’ll be amazed at how much this will work your chest. Finally, just wait for the Superman Pulses. Brutal! :-)

Speed 3.0: No gear needed for Speed 3.0 from T25 Gamma but if you’ve been through the Alpha and Beta phases, you know that you are in for even more fun! Have you caught that the Speed workouts don’t allow you to turn off the music? It’s because the whole workout requires you to find your rhythm. Don’t be worried. It I can do these workouts, you can too! It amazes me how much workout can be crammed into 25 minutes when you don’t stop. Speed 3.0 takes it up a notch and there are tons of agility moves. You will need to focus and keep your mind engaged as well as your body. You will burn a TON of calories in this workout. These Speed workouts are really my ideal cardio. Right to the point, intense, great music, and challenging. Just give it all you’ve got and have fun with it!

Extreme Circuit: For this workout, you pick your dumbbells up and then don’t set them down for 25 minutes. :-) You’ll hit everything with this workout. Pick too heavy of weight and your forearms and grip might give out before the 25 minutes are up. Start light and see if week to week you can up that weight. The Pull Up Burpees were one of my favorites from this workout. I like when Shaun T tells you that “you’ve got to stay in the fight.” With all of these workouts in T25 Gamma you have to stick with it completely. 100% mental and physical focus. Don’t let your mind tell you that you can’t because you CAN!

T25 Gamma Completes the T25 Package

This additional phase really rounds out the T25 program. It brings it home and it’s great! There are two calendar options with T25 Gamma. You can do a pure Gamma phase or a Pure Strength Hybrid that incorporates some Beta workouts as well. You could really add another 8 weeks to the initial 10 weeks of the T25 Alpha and Beta phases.

There are two options of packages for T25 Gamma. You can get the workouts only in the DVD Only package or get the Deluxe Package if you want some bonus gear. Both can be checked out on the T25 Product Page. I have loved working through these workouts. They are intense and Focus T25 will not disappoint any level of athlete.

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