Easy foods for weight loss can be found all around you. Most are pretty common, ordinary foods. You don’t have to have a HUGE budget or be a professional chef to cook for weight loss.
Easy Foods for Weight Loss
Truth be told, this title is a little misleading. You know what foods are good for weight loss? ANY! Just don’t eat too much of them LOL! There aren’t secret foods to help you instantly get ripped. Getting ripped is about maintaining focused nutrition over a long period of time. Tracking what you eat and meeting certain goals for protein, carbs, and fats are the best way to do that. BUT there are foods that make it easier to track.
Read about Nutrition Tracking FIRST if you don’t know about it already…
What are the ‘Easy’ Foods for Weight Loss then?
I think the easy foods for weight loss (and specifically tracking) are foods that are almost completely a single macro-nutrient. Rice for example, is all carbs (unless you prepare it with a fat like butter). Having a cup of cooked rice is easy to track. You can find exactly how many grams of carbs that would be and it works against your total for carbs. Harder foods are a lot of processed and combined foods. They aren’t “bad” per se, but they are harder to track (often times they are really high in fat too, which makes them calorie dense… throwing off your tracking). If you get soup from store and you need 20g protein and 30 carbs for your meal, that soup may not have that ratio. You may be able to eat enough soup to get 30g of carbs but only be at 10g of protein. It just becomes more of a balancing act.
Easy Proteins for Weight Loss
- boneless skinless chicken breast
- lean deli meat (ham or turkey)
- tuna
- egg whites
- white fish
- whey protein powders
- beef jerky
- turkey jerky
Easy Carbs for Weight Loss
- lots of green, fibrous veggies – broccoli, asparagus, peas, spinach, etc.
- peppers
- brown rice
- sweet potatoes
- black beans (good fiber too)
- fruit (just track their carbs/sugar – they will add up faster than veggies)
- oatmeal
- cauliflower
Easy Fats for Weight Loss
- Olive oil (oils in general – grape seed, coconut, etc)
- nuts
- peanut butter
- other nut butters
- avocados
Where I see people get hung up on this and really hurt their results is if they are eating a food for one macro but not realizing all it has. You don’t eat almonds for the protein!!! They are a fat and have a little protein. Or someone who drinks milk for the protein. Yes you’ll get some protein, but you get more sugar and carbs per serving than you do protein!
If you want to keep it simple, try sticking to this list for a week. Set your calorie goal in MyFitnessPal and log what you eat, but only use this list. Add some free condiments to spice it up, but only eat from this list. Grill up some meat, steam some veggies, cook some rice, and EAT! You should find it really easy to track and very filling.
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IG: @wayne_wyatt