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I love competing! I think a good competitive nature can make working out so much more enjoyable and effective. Can you take it too far? For sure, there is always balance. But don’t get too self righteous about competing with yourself and others! It’s a great thing when done right.

Your Competitive Nature

I think a healthy competitive nature benefits everyone. You may not naturally be competitive but you should work on fostering a new competitive spirit. For me, the first place to start doing this is right inside yourself. I don’t care what you are doing, having that internal drive and competition with yourself will make you better. You want to be able to look at what you’re doing and feel the excitement of thinking “next time I can do a little bit more.” That’s powerful!

It doesn’t mean that you are never satisfied, but it means you have a forward perspective. The status quo might be very good for you but you still have a little voice inside yourself asking “next time I do a little bit more.” Far too often I see people get to a point where they feel like they have finally arrived. Many can maintain that for a while, but most the time what we think is maintaining is actually backsliding. We get complacent and lazy.

Do you have that little voice inside yourself asking me to do more? Are you happy with where you are but even more excited about where you could be a month from now or even a year? If you can answer yes to those questions, I think you have a great competitive nature!

Competing Against Others

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It seems like somewhere along the way competing against others got a bad name. How many little kid’s sporting events you go to now where they don’t even keep score? This knee-jerk reaction to “self-esteem” makes me scratch my head. I don’t think it does anything to help anyone. In life, you will have times where you win and times when you lose. If we never teach kids how to deal with defeat will end up with an emotionally fragile and immature society. And if we never teach kids how to win with grace we will end up with adults that abuse those victories later in life!

I see competing with others played out in challenge groups a lot. I think it’s really motivating! Seeing what someone else does and being motivated to do more is a good. Doesn’t mean you’re always going to “beat” that person… But seeing someone push harder and dig deeper gets that voice in my head going! “Wayne! Next time you can do a little bit more! Look what they did!” Fires me up!

Now to cover all the bases, yes you can mess this up. If competing with someone else, and beating them, is your only goal… You will be disappointed. There will always be people that are better. If your only goal is to beat someone else you won’t have that internal focus that is truly motivating. “Great you beat me. Have fun with that.” That can’t be your end goal! Or if competing with others causes you to compromise form, don’t do it. Don’t let an ego trip get you hurt.

Get Competitive!

So get competitive! Always compete with yourself first. But if seeing others’ accomplishments pumps you up, set bigger goals and compete! See what you can do and always come back to “next time, I can do a little bit more.


Coach Wayne

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