Hey teamRIPPED!
I hope everyone is having a great week. Summer is almost over, and as we head into fall, this is not the time to give up on our workouts and nutrition!! So many people only get in shape for summer and then let it go in the fall/winter since they can hide under layers of clothes. But NOT US! We aren’t just committed to looking good in the summer. We want to live healthy, fit lives. So stay focused gang!
Besides, if anything we need to be ramping up because you know what’s coming this fall, right? P90X2!! This will be the new standard by which all fitness programs will try (and fail) to measure up! LOL! So you have only a couple weeks until the pre-orders can be placed, and about 3 months until they start shipping out (enough time for a round of the X or a hybrid to get warmed up!). I can’t wait. We will launch a big challenge with P90X2 so be planning ahead if you want to go along with us like we did for the Asylum Challenge in June. This one will be huge!
I have an idea that I’d like your feedback on (just post comments and I’ll get a feel for how interested y’all are) = Would you guys like to see a “before/after” gallery on my main page? I have the teamRIPPED Hall of Fame already, which I post transformation videos and stories in. And I also already have the teamRIPPED challenge where people post their before pics and a current progress pic. But I don’t have a “before/after” photo tab. Would that be helpful or just clutter things up?
Also, with how huge teamRIPPED has gotten, many of you have found ways to hook up with each other at events like the “warrior dash”, “spartan race”, etc. If you are interested in hooking up with others in your area, you are more than welcome to post in our FORUM or post to the teamRIPPED facebook page to see if others from our team will be there. In September, I will be doing a “warrior dash” with my wife in Tulsa. I know a few other teamRIPPED members that will also be there, so it will be fun to say hi and connect in person!
And military folks, don’t forget that Beachbody is currently waiving the signup fee and monthly fees to be a coach (in other words it’s totally free — no strings attached). So if you are ACTIVE MILITARY it’s a great way to save on products and supplements. You do need to be ACTIVE military (they will want to see a copy of your orders). If you are interested, email me at coachwayne@teamripped.com and I’ll get you the details and the form to fill out.
And 2 favors that I ask:
1) If you like the hard work I put into writing my articles and videos, PLEASE help me out by sharing them. Click the share links below them and share them on FB, twitter, etc. It really helps me get more exposure and grow teamRIPPED!
2) Also, as always, remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as you buy them through my site, www.teamRIPPED.com, or by logging in to www.teambeachbody.com to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain beachbody site I get no credit). It helps with the amount of time I spend answering all your questions and helping you out. Thank you! I really appreciate it!
Keep bringing it and inspiring others to do the same gang!!
Need a coach?
This is what I do. I help people get results and use my experience and the experience of thousands of teamRIPPED members to do it. I have been there and done it! My help costs you $0... NOTHING! So try me. Send me and email or message me on Facebook. I am here to help! All you have to do is sign up below and you will be part of teamRIPPED!My email: coachwayne@teamripped.com
IG: @wayne_wyatt