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Chris will be the first to tell you that he isn’t done yet.  He still has bigger goals to achieve.  But holy cow, after one round of P90X he has totally transformed his body.  He’s lost 35 lbs and has his body fat down near the single digits.  He won’t stop now, and will be totally shredded by the end of the next round, but check out how much he accomplished in just 3 months with P90X!!!!  Congrats man.  Your hard work has really paid off!

Chris’s Story =

I was always an athlete in high school, and I am even in the Army National Guard, but as the years pasted by, I was getting bigger, and fatter.  My PT tests were not meeting the Army’s standards, and with our first child on the way, I needed to make a change, and be an example.  Thanks to P90X’s workouts and nutrition guide, I was able to loose 35lbs and 14% body fat.  I’m still not quite where I want to be, but I’m getting closer every day!  Since I’ve changed my lifestyle I find that I have more energy during the day, and I’m able to be more active in my free time instead of sitting on the couch watching tv all day.  I got great advice from the Coach Wayne, and now I want to pay it forward and also do what I can to help people reach their goals as I still work to reach mine.

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