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From the teamRIPPED Hall of Fame Vault ….. The best of the best!

Andy’s P90X results are simply AWESOME!  I remember when he first showed me his progress after quietly CRUSHING P90X and my hybrid workout for 210 days! He also followed the diet I used, and his results were phenomenal!

What more can we say Andy except thanks for inspiring us, representing teamRIPPED like a CHAMP, and giving us all another reason to push harder!

Check out his progress from Day 1 to Day 210! It’s awesome! With every 30 day increment, you can see the dedication and the persistence paying off more and more.

Andy’s Story in his own words:

“My physical condition had been deteriorating since high school. The
freshman 15 at college turned into the senior 30 as beer and buffet
style dinning took it’s toll. After college Chinese food and video
games only added to the problem. Then after a few years of wandering
in the desert I found my wife Melissa. She has always been naturally
thin and was also doing Tae Bo. I joined in when I felt like it but
never made any diet or lifestyle changes. The light bulb finally came
on with the combination of the early death of my uncle and the birth
of my son. This triggered the motivation to get my life together so I
could see my grandchildren some day and also the added benefit of more
horsey rides for my son! My wife saw an infomercial for P90X and we
decided to purchase the program, after she outlasted my skepticism. I
have had results beyond what I had imagined and want to keep going to
see what else is possible. Special thanks have to go out to my wife,
son, extended family, Beachbody, and all of the helpful tips I picked
up at teamRIPPED!

Andy Simser”

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