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All right gang, Sunday School is in session!!!  My pastor, who happens to have just finished P90 (with awesome results) and is now about to start P90X, was BRINGING IT from the pulpit today!  He talked about his own struggles with weight and eating, and talked about his journey toward a healthy lifestyle, and shed some light on a Bible verse that we ALL need to be mindful of as we seek to live healthy lives that honor our Maker.

1 Timothy 4:8 says “Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

Pop Quiz:

1) Is physical training valuable?  A- YES!  God says physical training has value.  He wants us to take care of our bodies (See also 1 Cor. 6:19)

2) How does spiritual training compare to physical training? A- MUCH more valuable!

3) Why does physical training pale in comparison to spiritual training? A- One has temporary benefits, while the other has eternal benefits.

I tend to be an OCD-type person, and I really needed to hear this!  It can be very easy for me to get so focused on good things that I lose focus on the Best Thing!  Taking care of our bodies IS IMPORTANT!  Exercise IS IMPORTANT!  Being wise and disciplined about what we eat IS IMPORTANT.  But if physical training gets all of our attention and focus, we will end our life with many regrets!

Please allow me the liberty of editing a popular P90X quote: “Do your best, but don’t forget the rest!!!” Don’t let P90X push God, your spouse, your kids, and your friends out of the picture.  Instead, let it ENHANCE those relationships as you learn how to discipline your mind and body for His glory!  BRING IT!

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