Another week in. I really feel like I am getting into the swing of things and the month is almost done!
A week of CrossFit Workouts
I felt like I was really getting into it this week. I still mainly attended the 5:45 class. With the exception of one day. I believe it was Tuesday but for whatever reason, I didn’t want to get up. So having the flexible schedule I do, I got to go in at 9:30. It turned out to be a great choice. THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE THERE! Pretty cool. I got a full hour, 1-on-1 training session on the Snatch. The Snatch is another Olympic lift. With the bar on the ground, you are to take the bar to a locked out overhead position in a single movement. No pressing. It starts out a lot like the snatch but with much wider grip and you down end on your shoulders. You snatch the bar up and pull yourself under as you drop below the bar. Then you do an overhead squat with you arms locked out and bar overhead. Easy, right? LOL I wish…
What made this really cool was that the coach got to watch each and every rep I took. I got instant corrections. I felt myself getting better. A few of the cues dropped away as those spots just improved. It was again a workout of 3 rep sets on the minute for the first 5 minutes, 2 rep sets for minutes 6 thru 11, and 1 rep sets for 12 thru 20. The Snatch is just a cool lift. It is definitely a more technical lift and should really be coached. I never attempted it before last week because the risk of really getting hurt was there.
Here’s another cool slo-mo clip of someone really good at the snatch… doing a snatch with A LOT of weight! Oh and cool music ;-) You mean you don’t lift to classical jams?
My Experience Overall with CrossFit: So Far
So P90X Vs CrossFit?
I’ve given you a lot of my experiences so far, but what about any comparisons?
Cost – Which is cheaper? – P90X > CrossFit
Tough call on this one actually. If you look at the start up cost of P90X, it can be decently high if you need to buy dumbbells. But we know this is not a one time, one month thing. If you really want any exercise to work, you need to make it a lifestyle. So through that lens, I would say P90X is cheaper (and there are cheaper options yet from Beachbody – like Insanity for example).
Most CrossFit gyms cost anywhere from $100-$200/mo for unlimited classes. Most have discounts for paying for larger chucks of time. But even at $125/mo, you are looking at$750 for 6 months. That is P90X and some sweet dumbbells that you will have forever. You also have the workouts forever. End your CF membership and you are done. No gear and maybe some workouts you may or may not be able to do with what you have at home. And if you quit working out at home you can always sell your dumbbells and get some money back. Someone on Craigslist is looking to start P90X :)
Intensity? – P90X < CrossFit
You liked me up to this point didn’t you? LOL Another tough call… and just my opinion… so please keep reading.
I am always the one that preaches that you can make ANY workout intense. It’s BYOI – Bring Your Own Intensity. I actually hate when people knock KenpoX for not being hard enough. Punch harder and faster. Kick higher, harder, faster. You can go through the motions with any workout. You can also make the MOST of any workout and go all out.
What I think moved CF ahead in my mind is the type of lifts CF uses and the environment. As I said earlier, I can’t think of one isometric move I’ve done with CrossFit. The total body, explosive movements have to be intense. And then there is the double edged sword of the CrossFit environment. It is competitive. You see other people working hard, that makes me want to work HARDER. That push has been awesome. It could be a detriment to some, but for me, I have loved it.
That push is the same thing I have experienced getting to workout with Wayne and my other Beachbody friends the few times we’ve had the opportunity. But it’s not an every day reality. You still have to BYOI when you are alone in your living room or garage. CrossFit, in my experience has just poured more intensity on me even when I might not have brought it myself.
Getting YOU Involved
So I have given you a few of what I think stands out between P90X and CrossFit. But is there anything you’ve been wondering. I don’t claim to be a CF expert but I am gaining more and more experience and I love research. When I get into things, I read and read. And I have been doing tons as we thought about doing this experiment with teamRIPPED. So let me know! Join the conversation.
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