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Josh P. was part of our X2 Crew, and he brought it as hard as anybody I’ve seen.  He started off out of shape and overweight, and he finished day 90 an absolute BEAST!  This video is a MUST SEE!

Congrats Josh!  Well done my man!

Josh’s Story =

My journey with Beachbody began in 2010 with my first round of P90X.  Due to my busy schedule and lack of hours in the day, I was always looking for ways to manage my time and obligations. My schedule can get pretty hectic with work, school, and family. Thankfully, a friend turned me onto P90X; it changed my life and my appreciation for health and fitness FOREVER.

After all the hard work and awesome results from round 1 of P90X, I was feeling terrible a year later when I let it all slip away.  I began to lose focus and started skipping workouts.  My diet was a mess and before I knew it, I was heavier and more out of shape than before.  I couldn’t believe it!  Did this really just happen?  I was in the best shape of my life and feeling fantastic.  Now I’m worse than I was before.

I was feeling like crap!  No energy, moody, and not happy with myself.  This was affecting relationships in every aspect of my life.  I was down-right grumpy, all the time.  It took me a while to figure it out, but when I did I knew I had to make a change.  It wasn’t fair to my friends and family and most of all it wasn’t fair to my lovely wife and four beautiful daughters.

Almost like a sign from above, I stumble across a forum post talking about P90x2.  I was immediately excited.  I need this I thought to myself.  It instantly ignited a fire within.  I was so pumped to hear about a sequel to the program that gave me such awesome results.

Fast forward a few weeks later and on January 19, 2012 I began day one of a journey that would change more than just my body…it changed my life.

The first phase was a little surprising.  I was expecting something similar to p90X, but P90X2 was different. The entire first phase focused on core strength and balance.  I was tempted to skip ahead but who am I to doubt the makers of the program that took me from “zero to hero” the first time around.  So I stuck with it, and I’m glad I did!  Phase 1 is crucial for developing the core strength and balance that is needed in phase 2. I became noticeably leaner after the first 30 days, losing about 10lbs in phase 1.

Phase 2 is what I call the “meat and potatoes” of P90X2.  It’s awesome!  The moves are complex and extremely challenging.  I love 4 Med ball pushups! I liked this phase so much; I carried it out for 6 weeks.  I noticed the most impressive gains from day 30 to day 60.  My day 60 photo is comparable to my day 90 photo from P90X.  My focus was to really pack on the lean body mass during this phase.  Not only did I want to be ripped in 3 months, but I also wanted to have some muscle mass to go along with it.  Phase 2 is also when I started taking Shakeology.  I honestly believe Shakeology is the greatest contributing factor to my results from day 30 on.   I started feeling the effects of Shakeology within the first week.  I had more energy and improved regularity, which has always been an issue for me.  After a few weeks on Shakeolgy I also noticed accelerated fat loss.


By phase 3 I was already in great shape.  I could have stopped there and been very satisfied with my results.  I was determined to see how far I could take it though.   After the first week of phase 3 I was slightly concerned.  Phase 3 is more performance based with less resistance than phase 2.  It’s also more intense.  I was concerned about losing the gains in size I had made during the previous phase.  I voiced my concerns to my Coach (Top Coach 2011 Wayne Wyatt).  He recommended sticking with phase 3 as it would bring out more definition….and it did!  Not only did it bring out more definition but it also improved every aspect of my fitness.

My results from P90X2 exceeded my expectations.

I became a coach during my first round with P90X2 after contemplating it the previous year. It was a pretty natural transition and I wish I had done it sooner.  People were constantly approaching me about my results and asking for advice on diet, workouts, and supplements. Daily emails from people on and the WOWY Supergym were becoming the norm.  I soon realized I was already coaching, guiding, and motivating others to reach their fitness goals. It’s so gratifying knowing that I’m helping people to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.  Now my life revolves around building a healthy future for my family, friends, and anybody I can help along the way.

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