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Jason got P90X a few years ago but had all the excuses of why he didn’t have time to really get through the program.  He finally got tired of making excuses and decided to start pushing play.  He is still working on getting his diet 100% dialed in, but he’s made great progress and isn’t going to stop anytime soon.  He’s changed his habits for the better, gotten used to making fitness a priority, and is feeling great about his progress.  He’s going to continue to dial it up and setting bigger goals.  Congrats Jason on getting it done!!!

Jason’s Story =

“I bought P90X in the Summer of ’09 with the intent of getting buff and ripped like those folks featured in the infomercials.  I was really excited and ready to Bring It!  To make a long story short… time passed,  excuses stacked up, and I honestly lost count of how many times I started and stopped P90X (having never completed 1 complete round).  Fast forward to the Fall of ’11. After my son was born, something in me clicked. I finally said, “No more excuses!”

When it came to the workouts, I began each workout with this thought, “I’m going to follow Tony’s advice and do my best, forget the rest, and bring it!”  While not every workout was always better than the previous… I showed up regardless, pushed play, and did my best.

When it came to the nutrition, I didn’t do as well. Like most people, the nutrition part of the program was (and still is) the biggest challenge for me.  While I did clean up my diet significantly, it was still only about 80% clean on average.  Nutrition is something I’m continuing to learn about and improve upon everyday.

I love the results I got from P90X!  While I did get the most ripped I’ve ever been in my life, I know I can do better.  I know the difference maker is my nutrition.  Now that I’m moving on to P90X2, I’m more knowledgeable in exercise and nutrition than I was before I started P90X. Since I now have a clearer idea of what it takes to get through 90 days of real training and what clean eating really is, I’m going to continue learning about both, improving on both, and paying it forward.”

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