Anthony was WAY out of shape 6 months ago. He started a strict diet and lost a lot of weight, but wasn’t doing the workouts he needed if he ever wanted a chiseled look. He decided to commit to P90X, and continue to dial in his nutrition to match his goals and fuel his body for success. His hard work, dedication, and persistence have paid off BIG time as he’s lost 60 lbs and found a 6 pack!! Now that’s success!!! Congrats Anthony! Way to go buddy! He’s now inspiring others around him and helping them on their own fitness journey as a Beachbody Coach. Keep paying it forward bro!
Anthony’s Story =
I am a 27 year-old husband/father with a busy on call job as a cardiac cath lab technologist and x-ray technologist. I have always wanted to get a ripped, fit, and healthy body, but never thought it was possible for a guy like me. I grew up obese. My loving nickname in high school was “Fat Tony.” When I was a kid it was rare that we ate a home cooked dinner. We ate fast food almost every night. So naturally, that caused me to hate vegetables and pretty much anything that wasn’t fried, chocolate coated, or terrible for me!
Like any average teenage guy, once I got to high school, I liked girls. So to get the attention of said girls, I started working out in a gym and eating smaller portions. Over the course of about 2 years I lost over 90 pounds and got into great shape. I managed to keep it off for a long time until I got into college and my schedule didn’t allow me to go to the gym everyday for 3 hours. So my weight started to yo-yo and I continued this trend up until I got a job, got married, and had a son. With a busy on-call job, a new baby, and a junk food diet, I had become VERY overweight. I had every excuse in the book for why I looked the way I did but what’s scary is that I was starting to not care about my health anymore, and it showed. On October 17, 2011 I weighed 242.8 pounds and my body fat checked in at 28%. On top of that, my blood-work showed that I was pre-hypertensive, and pre-diabetic. Not good for a 27 year old dude with a toddler! Was this the example I was setting for my son? The time was right for me to make a change for myself and for my family!
My wife and I started to watch our nutrition and I lost 40 pounds. My goal was to get to 200 pounds so I could start (and finish) a complete round of P90X at a reasonable weight. I’ve had P90X for almost 2 years and I wanted to commit to not only the workouts, but the NUTRITION as well! Man, what a difference it makes when you give your body what it needs to burn fat and build muscle. Nutrition is SO IMPORTANT! I ate 100% clean the entire 90 days. I used to have TONS of bad eating habits. At my job, we get bombarded with catered lunches, donuts, cake, cookies, and even Cold Stone ice cream!! In six months, I never even had a bite. Good nutrition is what fueled my body and made me successful. I couldn’t believe the progress I made in the first 30 days and it just kept getting better and better!
After 90 days of getting up to push play at 430 am everyday, NO cheat meals, and total dedication, my P90X/Insanity Hybrid was complete. There were times that I got called in at 2 am, got home at 4 am, worked out at 430 am, then went to work for the day!! People called me crazy, but I was determined to not miss a single workout and bring it every time! In 6 months I lost 62 pounds and my body fat went from 28% to 6.5%!! I’ve never felt so good and I never thought I would ever have a six-pack!! I never thought it would be possible for me to get this good of results in a gym…. let alone in my own basement!!! People everywhere are noticing huge changes and asking me what I did to lose all my weight and get so healthy. It’s because of Beachbody and the knowledge passed onto me from my coach that I am where I’m at today, so I decided to become a Team Beachbody Coach to help others reach their health and fitness goals! It’s awesome to see how my life has completely turned around because of P90X, Beachbody, and my coach. This is a lifestyle now! I have the energy to play with my son and I am no longer a bad example to him! I want to give him the health and fitness knowledge that I never grew up with so that he can live a healthier life. A HUGE THANKS to P90X, Beachbody, and Coach Wayne!!! I couldn’t have done it without you!!!
Fitness is a Journey….
Coach Anthony
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