Can a 5’8″ guy who weighs over 250 ever hope to see a 6 pack? Alex thought that could never happen, but he sure wasn’t happy with the way he was so he determined to make a change and see what he could accomplish. He plugged in with some friends from teamRIPPED, got rocking with Insanity, and lost a lot of body fat. He then went to P90X and built some muscle while losing even more body fat. And then he graduated to a P90X/Insanity hybrid, and after 3 rounds of hard work with Beachbody’s hardcore workout programs my man Alex can proudly show off some absolutely AMAZING results!
You crushed it bud!
Alex isn’t so tech savvy, so I don’t have a video to show you. But these pics and his story below say it all.
Alex before:
Alex after Insanity, P90X, and a P90X/Insanity Hybrid:
Now that is getting it done teamRIPPED Style!!! Way to go Alex!!!
Alex’s Story =
Hey TeamRipped!
I’ve always been a bigger guy my entire life, ever since I could remember at least. I was once in decent shape not ripped by any means but happy with myself in high school. I played football in high school and lifted almost daily but never actually dialed in my diet so I was what I like to call fluffy muscular. Which I was happy with because I could eat anything I wanted, plus I could have used the extra weight because I played offensive line. Growing up I was always told “you’re not fat your just husky or big boned” and “you’ll never be skinny just be happy with yourself” and I actually bought into and truly believe what I was being told.
Well I went off to college and moved out of my mother’s house. In your first year of college they tell you be careful you’ll gain the freshmen 15; well I gained more like the freshmen 40. I went from weighting 220 to 260 in quick span of time. I thought I could keep eating whatever I wanted without working out and before I knew it I had literally BLOWN UP. I was in the worse shape of my life and had a hard time walking around campus let alone working out or running a mile. I suddenly became very unhappy with myself and hated who I had become. I’m going to The University of Cincinnati and studying Criminal Justice and Psychology and my goal is to become a Law Enforcement officer. I knew that if I wanted to accomplish this goal I would have to make huge changes to my lifestyle habits but I didn’t know where or how to start. One night while watching and munching out on junk food I stumbled across an Insanity info commercial and saw all the great results that these people were getting who once looked like how I looked then. I figured it was worth a try. I ordered Insanity did the fit test and could barely walk to class the next day. The following day I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit and literally thought I was going to have a heart attack. To say the least I put Insanity in the closet and it became more of a dust collector.
Last summer I was getting ready to go on vacation to Florida and started going to gym and started eating semi healthy (Anything was better than what I was doing; I was eating fast-food almost daily). I ended up losing the 30 pounds and got down to 230. But this time my body type looked much different than it did a of couple years ago in high school which became very evident in the pictures that were taken on the beach with my shirt off. I looked like some type of whale that a fisherman would catch and reel into the beach. I was so embarrassed and I knew that I needed help and didn’t know where to get it.
That’s when one day while I was Facebook one of my old buddies from high school who was also a heavier guy like me Jake Bohanan (He’s also a TeamRipped Hall of Fame member) posted his P90X/Insanity pictures and it had absolutely floored me with how good he looked. He was raving about TeamRipped and Coach Wayne so I had to look them up to see what all the fuss was about. Once I looked up Coach Wayne and TeamRipped and watched a few of the Hall Fame video and transformations, I was hooked. I couldn’t stay off Coach’s website reading all his articles trying to soak up as much information as possible. This is when I found out how to truly eat healthy and what it takes to get ripped. I ordered Shakeology right way!
For my first round I did a complete round of Insanity because I knew that I had a lot of body fat to lose I’m only 5’8 and I weighted a chunky 230. I lost 33 pounds and got down to 197. I then followed Coach Wayne’s advice and ordered P90X a did a full round of P90X and got down to 175 and saw a lot of muscle growth and tone up but I wanted that six pack. I’ll even admit I could have probably had the six pack during my second round it was starting to come in but I fell of the nutrition wagon at the start of the 3rd phase the week of 21st birthday and literally ate very sloppy on and off for about a month before totaling recommitting myself to eating nothing but clean foods. This time I knew I was totally dedicated and nothing was going to stop me. So I did a hybrid of P90X/Insanity and I finally got the six pack and ripped looked that I was striving for. I’m now in the very best shape I’ve ever been in my entire life. Without Coach Wayne and TeamRipped I know that none of this would have been possible and I would still be the fat guy that I once was. Before starting my Beachbody journey I never thought I would weight under 200 pounds. As of today, I now weigh 164 pounds. I’m now so much happier with myself and my life. I know for a fact that I’m ready to kill any physical entrance exam that I will have to take for Law Enforcement Career. Thanks again Coach Wayne and TeamRipped without you guys none of this would have been possible!!! And remember, BRING IT!!!!
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