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Adrian is a military man who retired from active duty and went into the civilian life transition.  As Adrian puts it, his inner warrior no longer had a purpose, and he quickly let himself become “average”.

He got fed up, started looking for a solution, and found P90X.  He went all in.  He just got done with round 1 and got some great results.  He lost 24 lbs and 14% body fat.  He’s not done yet, as he is now starting P90X2.  But his round 1 results are definitely worthy of the HOF.  Congrats man!  Way to tear it up!

Adrian’s Story =

During my childhood I was rail thin. I was always active and outside doing the things kids USE to do. After high school I joined the Army and at that time I was 5’8” about 128lb and had a 26 inch waist. Like I said, I was rail thin.

While in the military I gained some weight because of all the physical demands put on my body but never got above about 150lbs or so and I was mostly muscle. I would say that it was very easy for me to stay in shape while in the military because you are always training, always doing physical activities, always stressing the body. You have to; it’s part of the job. Also, being a pilot added more physical demands that kept my body in top shape.

In 2006, after eight plus years in the military I decided to try the civilian life. I figured it might be nice to stay in one place for longer than a couple of years, or not have to constantly deploy overseas. One thing I did not anticipate was how much of a lifestyle change I was going to have. I figured I would be a lot happier, and I was, in a sense. However, I felt like a part of me (the warrior side of me) had no more purpose. A lot of Veterans know the feeling I’m talking about. People who have never been in the military may also share the same feelings. If you have ever played a sport or something that requires a lot of training, once it’s over, there is a void that is there. A piece of you that feels like it doesn’t have a purpose. As I learned to meld back into being a civilian again my physical activity dropped. I let my diet go where ever it wanted. I guess I figured I had no need to keep up my physical activity. I made being average my new life style. Sure I had a gym membership and I rarely used it. Yeah I TRIED to eat healthier but never really got into it. Next thing you know I’m at 190lbs. The heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. What the heck happened to me? I didn’t even like looking at pictures of myself because of how round and plump my face had gotten. I had to do something, but what?

I started going to the gym on a regular basis but I was best guessing on what to do. Not really sure what the right approach was and not pushing myself to point that I really should have. I did see some results but I was still chubby in my own estimation. I figured I would just keep on the course I was going and hopefully do well, but with no direction and help it was a long, tedious road. I had no diet plan and no set workouts to follow I was literally best guessing. In the processes of me trying to get into shape, I suffered my first injury. In early 2011 I had to have hernia surgery, recovered from that, and then I tore my calf muscle, shortly after that, shoulder surgery. The entire year for 2011 I was either injured or recovering from surgery. By the end of 2011 I was out of shape, tired, and trying to find a way to get my life back to where I was. I was tired of being tired, I was tired for being hurt, I was tired of being out of shape, and I was tired of other people having a six pack lol, why not me? I had to find something!!

After talking to a lot of people and searching the web I found P90X. I watched success after success story. I told myself this has got to be it. This was for me. I got the program and began to plan my attack. I started my P90X journey at 175lbs and 23% body fat. In the process I found my coach who has helped me and is one of the reasons for my success. Thank you Coach! I mapped out my diet to hit my goals I didn’t let anything get in my way. I even got sick and went on vacation to Jamaica and still did my workouts and stayed on my diet. I didn’t give myself any excuses, I was going to be one of the before and after pictures people look at. I was going to be one of the guys on the infomercials. I was going to go all out.

Month one was brutal, I was tired all the time. The workouts were killing me! I was so sore it was hard to move. I couldn’t keep up on anything and I modified a lot during the first month. Something did happen that lit the spark and let me know to keep pushing. On week two I saw the first little change in the mirror and that was enough to just make myself keep going. Toward the end of the first month I was able to at least finish all the workouts without completely collapsing. The workouts never got easy because with every workout, I did a little more, and a little more. I ended my first 30 days at 162.6lbs and 15% body fat, I was so happy! It just gave me more motivation to keep going. Month two was great! I had a lot more energy I was able to really push myself hard. I saw a lot of results in the mirror. I couldn’t wait for my 60 day results with every workout I was going longer, doing more, and going heavier. I would say month two was the time that everything really came together! At the end of day 60 I was 169.6 and 11% body fat. You might say what; he only lost 3lbs what happened? Well as my coach says, the scale is only one aspect of what is going on with your body. If you notice my body fat dropped 4%, so what happened? Simple, I gained lean muscle so the scale didn’t move much but internally my body changed dramatically, and by the way, the six pack is starting to become visible in the mirror!

Month three is where I really had to buckle down and let nothing slip. I kept bringing it and finished it with a final weight of 151lb’s and 9% body fat. So end result of P90X round one was I dropped 24 pounds and 14% body fat. Not bad for my first round, but its not over. I’m going to keep pushing play with P90X2. Wait for more amazing results!!

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