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Power 90 Master Series

Advanced, targeted workouts and innovative new moves to get you lean and ripped in less time. With trainer Tony Horton.

Our Price: $59.85

Tony Horton’s unique training style will keep you motivated every step of the way. These advanced workouts target specific problem areas so you get maximum body sculpting and muscle definition.


  • Core Cardio
    Engage your core and get a lean, ripped midsection with these intense cardio and sculpting moves. (48 minutes)
  • Plyo Legs
    An explosive lower-body workout with Tony’s breakthrough plyometric moves to strengthen, sculpt, and shape your legs, hips, and glutes. (49 minutes)
  • Sculpt 5-6
    Turn up the intensity and focus on those key areas with Tony’s best total-body sculpting workout yet! (48 minutes)
  • Sweat 5-6
    A big-time calorie-burning workout that raises the bar on your cardio and gets you totally more lean and ripped! (49 minutes)
  • Cardio Intervals
    Burn maximum fat and reshape your body from head to toe with Tony’s challenging cardio intervals. (56 minutes)
  • UML (Upper Middle Lower)
    Get started on these innovative new sequences for a ripped upper body, chiseled abs, and a firm, sculpted butt. (40 minutes)

Plus a FREE Bonus Guide!
Learn how to target your specific goals and maximize your results!

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Our Price: $59.85