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Picky eaters need to grow up! Do you think the title gives away my position? LOL Seriously! If you consider yourself a picky eater, I’m going to challenge you to make some changes – AND TO GROW UP.

We Are So Spoiled!

It would be so nice to just skim over this, but that’s not who I am. I talked about this before and it seems to me that keeps on getting worse! It boils down to this, a lot of us are spoiled. Some of you reading this right now are spoiled! This doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. Actually, I’m writing this because I really care about you!

All of us in America tend to land somewhere on the spoiled spectrum. If we want something, we’re going to get it, and we’re going to get it now. For some of us, it doesn’t matter who have the money or not. Gimme gimme! If it will make me happy, then I deserve it. And oh, I want it to be easy too. Can’t work too hard for all our wants.

We can often trace this back to our childhoods. How often did your parents tell you “No”? It’s pretty easy to remember that spoiled little kid. They never get told no and they throw little temper tantrums anytime they don’t get what they want. Toys, junk food, trash fast food, it’s all the same! GIMME GIMME! And those kids turn into adults.

So be honest with yourself, when is the last time hold yourself “No!”? When is the last time you did the hard things because they were the best things? (Not cuz they were your favorite things either.)

Coach Wayne Used to be SPOILED!

crying kid
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That’s right, I used to be spoiled when it came to food. I was a “picky eater“, or as I like to call it now, a spoiled brat. Since I didn’t like veggies, I wouldn’t eat them. At lunch, I only cared about what sounded the best for my grumbling stomach. Pizza, Mexican, a big ol’ buffet… GIMME GIMME! And this wasn’t little boy Coach Wayne, this was adult WAYNE!

I was also spoiled brat about exercising. My time was my time, why would I want to do something that’s hard. “I deserve to come home and just relax. I work too hard to be expected to exercise.” I made the excuse that I didn’t have time… the truth was I didn’t want to exercise and I was going to get my way.

Crack the Spoiled Code

I’ve shared this before, but in case you aren’t fluent in Spoiledesse… let me translate some common phrases:

“I’m a picky eater” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

“I’m they type of person who can’t eat veggies” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

“There are so many holiday parties coming up. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

“I lose motivation after a couple weeks” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

“I’m too busy with all my other responsibilities to workout” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

“No one supports me and keeps me going” –> I’m a spoiled brat!

Who’s getting grumpy and upset with mean Coach Wayne?

I really didn’t set out to make you upset LOL but I know there are some of you need to hear this. If it takes getting all upset, so be it. This is for your good! And I want the best for you!

It’s time to be an adult and honor your commitments. Eat the food that’s going to get you to your goals quit complaining. There are people around the world that will die today because they don’t have enough food… and we complain cuz we get to get some grilled chicken and veggies?!?!

It’s time to invest in your health. You might think you “deserve” to do this or that with your time, but doesn’t your family deserve to have a healthy, active, long living brother, sister, father, mother, cousin, friend, etc, etc? Make the time to push play every day. Make it a priority and give it your all.

This is still a battle for me too! I have to fight that old spoiled Coach Wayne from time to time. I still have preferences in what I eat too, but you won’t see me being a big ol’ spoiled brat when it comes to food and working out. I want to be the best I can be for my family, friends, church, and community. I could never do that if I was crying like a big ol’ baby and not taking care of my health.

Let’s take charge teamRIPPED! Be the man or woman you were made to be and tell your inner-brat who’s boss.

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